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LD Relationships.

I'm with Ian. I don't think they work. I mean, it's ok if you can both meet one another like every month or so, but it just becomes too hard, plus, if you've got temptation closer to you, you could end up going for it.

The worst I had with this was like here and south wales. Barry to be exact. But yeah, it was only a little fling. We soon realised it was too far away for anything serious to happen and are now extremely good friends.

I've also had a girlfriend move to Australia. We was together for like the first week of her moving, and then I found out she had cheated on me so I broke it up and hate her ever since. The slut. Ha.
How do you know he's not a wrinkly, hairy old man ( or twiggy little kid if you're into older people)? This all seems like a sketchy (and a little risky) to be going out with someone you don't even know what they look like.
My hand is all the way at the end of my arm and I'm over six feet tall. Long distance relationships suck (the vacuum cleaner is in the cupboard downstairs) [/ciall]

How is Barry by the way Lofty? I hear he soon got over you ;)
Enigma Shadow said:
It was in 2007 and I started dating a girl from Switzerland who I'd known since 2005 through various art websites. We managed to keep it going for 4 months

Um, maybe your one didn't work because you're a massive fag and it was with a girl ;)

I also think they are suck and are rubbish. Nobody really wants to read my stories on them AGAIN, but, they are rubbish. They don't really work, and just highlight how rubbish men are. Even if the people would be amazing together in a normal relationship, they just seem to fail long distance :(
^Hahahaha, yeah I WAS going to include something like that but I decided against it. I knew it'd be you of all people to mention it though!
In my defense I was still in my "LOL MAYBE I'M BISEXUAL" stage. Not a good time.
furie said:
My hand is all the way at the end of my arm and I'm over six feet tall. Long distance relationships suck (the vacuum cleaner is in the cupboard downstairs) [/ciall]

How is Barry by the way Lofty? I hear he soon got over you ;)

Ha. Ugh. Barry is a **** hole. It's me that got over that place, trust me ;)
-lofty- said:
I'm with Ian.
:shock: Sorry, Lofty, but you live near Manchester, I'm near Southampton. Our long distance relationship will have to end.
Nope. I need to be around, to enjoy, to see my significant other smile. Temporarily? I can deal with it.. but something that remains a long distance thing for an extended period of time wouldn't be for me.
Artichoke said:
Nope. Never have seen him. Like I said before, the beginning was awesome. We talked and texted all the time. Now... I'm lucky if I get a text at all. I've talked to him about how I feel more than once, and again today. He hasn't really responded to it. I kind of feel like I get the cold shoulder at times. All he's said is that he thinks it'll work. And then I don't hear from him again.

It would be so much easier if I lived a bit closer, which we've talked about before. But, he thinks I should stay where I'm at.

He's got no interest in meeting you. Sorry, but someone had to rip the plaster (band-aid) off.

Initially meeting someone online is all well and good, but calling it a relationship when you've never actually met in person is a bit ... how can I put this? Creepy?

Anyway, about the question. It totally depends on how we're defining long distance. If you can get on a train/drive for a couple of hours to spend the weekend together, then it's not bad at all. Yeah, ok, so you can't spend every day together (fine by me!), but it's not like you're waiting weeks or months between seeing each other.

Living in another country or opposite ends of a big country like the USA?

Unless there's an immediate plan to change that, it's doomed to failure. Simple as that.
furie said:
My hand is all the way at the end of my arm and I'm over six feet tall. Long distance relationships suck (the vacuum cleaner is in the cupboard downstairs) [/ciall]

I've never used a vacuum cleaner, Phil :roll: ;)

But yeah, I've never had a LDR but I couldn't ever do it. It just wouldn't work for me. I like to see the person when I'm in a relationship, talk face-to-face...you know, that kind of stuff.

Uni will be a challenge for me.

EDIT: Waiting for Taylor and Brad to post...
Yes and no. My relationship I am in now started off as a long term relationship, with the knowledge that I would be moving closer from the beginning, the question though was if it would be a month, or 5 months. It was 5 months, and honestly it is the reason the relationship has lasted, and probably won't end. My girlfriend and I have been together for 2 and a half years now (holy ****!) and have known each other for a little more than 3 1/2 years. We went to school together, I moved home for a semester, and during that time of trying to decide to come back, or stay, is when we started dating. I didn't want to move back just because of her, but I knew I wanted to go back. So over the next 5 months we talked daily, and got to know each other better, and the friendship was there as the foundation, in case anything happened, we knew we could always go back to being just friends. Over those 5 months we each flew out to visit each other once, and yeah its not an ocean, but its half the country which makes it a pain in the ass, especially since KC has a small airport. But really, you have to be a certain type of person to make it work, because my best friend, whose a man whore, was ready to propose to his girlfriend, who went to school across the country, after only being around each other for a total of 4 months maybe, and then changed his mind because he felt trapped by the thought of being in a relationship like that. So yeah. Flip a coin.
Oh yeah, Sara moved from Preston down to the south coast to be closer to me. I'm just that sexy :lol:
^He loves to be reminded of it too, so, everyone keep mentioning it!

Hey Mark, remember that time, when, when you ate fish?
Ben said:
^He loves to be reminded of it too, so, everyone keep mentioning it!

Hey Mark, remember that time, when, when you ate fish?

I NEVER ate fish. Hey. Maybe that explains why I heave going past the entrance to most Morissons?
Thank you all for your opinions. I know what I need to do now. Which is something I should've done a long time ago.
Nic said:
Oh yeah, Sara moved from Preston down to the south coast to be closer to me. I'm just that sexy :lol:

Well Brighton is hell of a lot better than Preston...