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Have you ever ridden alone?

My partner isn't in to rides like I am, so once is enough for her, and from then on, I'm on my ownsome :(

Dont really care though, especially when ya get put with some hot bird who scared ****less! ;)
I occasionally go to Thorpe Park alone using public transport, but often I go with my family. But when I'm with my family, we generally all split up and go on the rides on our own and keep in contact by text. Them we all meet up at closing time to go home.

I like to ride alone, especially for rides that have a Single Rider Queue, becuase it means you can go on the rides without queueing for as long, and choose which rides to go on without having to think about anyone else.
its fun going on a coaster with no one you know. you can go crazy and you don't have friends or family telling you to stop!
its fun going on a coaster with no one you know. you can go crazy and you don't have friends or family telling you to stop!
I did SFGAdv alone, and just made friends with people around me in different situations. I ended up meeting some really great people, and knowing I'd never meet or see them again I enjoyed every second of their company... I don't think I stopped smiling once all day.

I'll probably never forget the guy who sat front row Ka with me, first thing in the morning, my first ever American coaster. I'll never forget the 7 year old girl who sat next to me on El Toro, front row in the dark. She had her hands up the whole way round. I've never seen such joy in a little kid. She asked me if we spoke a different language in Great Britain and that my English was very good! :)

One of the best days I've had in a theme park, to be honest. No bull****. Just lemonade, sun cream and smiles head to toe. I hardly even took any pictures. I enjoyed every ride in the park for what it was and was able to make my own judgement (one of the main benefits of riding alone) as to what was good and what was actually crap.

I know a lot of people won't appreciate this but the furthest point away from my little home here in the UK that I've ever been in my life is somewhere in SFGAdv. And I'd like to think it's somewhere stupid like at the top of Ka. And I think it's super cool that I adventured there alone! :)

I'm not the biggest fan of being all on my lonesome, but going somewhere alone isn't an issue for me, because I'm independent enough to make friends when I get there, and I never actually end up by myself. Riding alone isn't so bad!
Went to Blackpool Pleasure Beach with my friend, who doesnt like big rides, so I ended up going on Infusion on my own, Irn Bru & PMBO, riding on your own does make the ride a little duller as there is no-body sitting next to you who you know. If I was to go on a ride I would like someone to sit next to me who loves coasters like me, the experience is overall better.
I've never been to a park on my own but have ridden alone before. I rode Xpress and El Condor at Walibi World NL on my own as my friend was too frightened (she went and sat on a bench and read a book whilst I queued!), plus I went on Thirteen on my own as, although I was with a friend, we both did single rider to bypass the enormous queue.

I really don't like queuing on my own, feel self-conscious!
I ride alone all of the time because when I go to kings island I am the only person in my family that likes to ride roller coasters. I hate it because you have to ride with strangers.
Loads of times. Many many years ago on a school trip to Thorpe Park my mate was too scared to ride anything more intense than X:\ NWO! So I was forced to ride Colossus, Nemesis Inferno, Vortex, etc alone.
i ride alone only when its quicker to get through a long line i prefer to ride with other people so u can discuss it afterward
I have ridden every rollercoaster at Alton on my own because I went there on a school trip that none of friends went on :( . Still fun though. I have also ridden Black Mamba at Phantasialand on my own because my friend and I decided to go single rider and we got split up because of that.
In times gone by I have been to Alton, Chessington and Thorpe and most rollercoasters I have had to do alone :( Still you can often talk to people in queues if your lucky!
Ridden Alone

I usually end up going with my two friends, so we just create a rotation. We've been to Knott's, SFGA, Cedar Point, and Hershey as a group. I always end up unlucky and have to go on the biggest rides alone. So I've been on Gemini, TTD, Millennium Force, Kingda Ka, Xcelerator, Storm Runner, and Wildcat (Hershey) alone.
Well I'd been on loads of rides alone before (kinda a thing of being an only child), but I just got back from Hong Kong, which was my first experience of going to a whole park alone. Obviously I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity while I was there, but I was kinda dreading having no one to talk to and feeling a bit of a weirdo.

I needn't have been worried. I actually ended up talking to loads of people - everyone wanted to know why this weird western girl was taking a million pictures and drifting around the place. My favourite part was sharing a cable car with some Russians and trying to explain what a mining consultant is in v v basic terms...ummmm rock...mineral.....

Overall it was a great experience - You can go where and when you please, although I was rather glad I took some music with me

Saying that, I would probably never do it in England as I did constantly miss my friends, and couldn't help imagining the pile-of-ship being far more entertaining with CFers on board

