CF Legend
I may as well begin writing a trip report of sorts.
Sorry for the length and lack of pictures. All photos I took at Thorpe can be found here:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=4 ... 0cda58a472
Thorpe Park:
Was going to take the train but decided to drive instead. Got to the park at around 9:30 and the first thing I realised was how quiet it was. We got out and met with the crowds outside the gate. We asked the woman where we had to go with our ticket confirmation thing and she pointed to a queue behind here to the advance ticket collection. The silly thing was that the actual ticket booths didn't open until 10 so by the time we got to the front of the queue it was already quarter past. To make it worse the woman at the desk said we needed the credit card we used to book the tickets so she could get the last 4 digits. We used our mums credit card to book them so I had to call her at work and get her to tell me what they were. We got our tickets but got in normally just by scanning our annual passes at the gate which makes me wonder if we could of just done that in the first place.
Anyway toilet stop was first in the dome and then we headed over to the meet-up point. Spent a while saying hi to everyone and seeing all the people who wore costumes (fantastic btw except for Steven's). Once everyone had arrived we headed over to Inferno for our first ride. Last year we did the same and the queue was almost 3 hours. This year it was only 15 so we were all gleaming with the idea of a quiet and more relaxed day at the park. Steven provided a good fail in the station when he went to put his bag on the other side of the platform and the staff thought his seat was empty to locked it which meant he got back to a closed seat.:lol: Inferno was actually quite good this time. Usually I get quite dizzy when it ends but I was fine this time. Was nice to see the smoke working again although it was only in the end of the tunnel as the front just dripped water onto you.
After everyone was off we headed over to Det. The queue moved quite quickly and I got talking to Spicy who's really nice. The staff seemed to be enjoying themselves as well and had fun interacting with guests. With the first ride with CF'ers they pretended it was broken at the top and then dropped it when they weren't expecting it and with ours they held it up the top for ages and shouted 'timmbbbrrree' as we plummeted. Great fun.
After this we headed over to the rapids. The queue was full but it moved really quickly as staff were really good at filling every boat. I only just got in ours before if got to the end of the turntable. Az (awesome cossie by the way) got told of by staff for having his brolly up but he put it back up for the tunnel as the water fell from above and soaked everyone.
Once we got off we were met by the sickening site of Steven sitting on a bench in his costume with the bucket of sweets in between his legs.
I think after this we decided to split for lunch. Most opted for KFC. We all brought ours and when Mushroom and Ciall asked us to wait while they picked theirs up we dashed out and over to the fish and chip place where my brother got his lunch. We finished lunch early so just walked around the park. We found Stevens devil willy outside Asylum (which we didn't know at the time) so Peter took it back with us to the meet-up point.
Back outside Loggers most people had already re-grouped. Mark and Jordan began dancing to that was coming out of the nearby speakers.
Only about half the group decided to do Loggers including me. I was at the front of ours and got soaked as it was full of water which all came rushing down and flooded up to my knees. When I came off my shoes, socks and bottom of trousers were soaked and I had to empty the water out of my trainers. Not happy.
After this was Slammer. Even though the queue was short it took ages to get on because the staff were really slow. Also just before we started spinning I noticed my phone was about to slide out of my pocket so I had to grab it and put it in another pocket before we moved. Quite lucky I noticed it.
After Slammer people began tormenting Steven by stealing his trident thing and running away with it passing it between various members. This resulted in it breaking which was funny.
I think after this we did Samurai (it may of been before Slammer). The queue for this took about half an hour and I was unlucky and ended up next to goon. Bad times
I can't remember exactly what we did but I think after this we went into the Saw plaza and got the group photos done.
Next was Colossus which had quite a fast moving queue as once again the staff were trying to fill every seat. I still really like this coaster. My favourite coaster at Thorpe and that day it seemed to belt round the track really fast. The inline twists at the end were taken at quite a speed.
After this we did Rush which was had hardly any queue followed by Vortex. While queueing for this it began to get dark quickly so we got our first night ride. The queue was hilarious as we made Steven think he had bird **** down his back. Kudos has to go to the general public for playing along as well. :lol:
Also got into some really out of hand conversations and Steven told us how the check up at the hospital after having his blood tested after falling of his bike led to him finding out he had a high sperm count. TMI muchly.
Also Steven spent the whole queue saying how he was going to get the seat that ends up at the top of every swing and how he was going to ask the ride ops to make him sit there. We told him they wouldn't listen to him so we found it hilarious when he ended up on the bottom of every swing.
After Vortex we split for a small tea break before heading to Stealth. I can't remember what we did in this time. I think we just walked around for a bit and got a hot-dog from the diner near Stealth. Once we all met up again Mark announced the costume comp winner before Ian dished out loads of exit passes for Stealth. The queue was only 30 mins but we used them anyway. Stealth in the dark was alright. It's got worse now and the curve into the hill hurts as does the bottom of the drop.
Once we were all of I think we did Saw. This was the longest queue of the day at just over an hour. There were some amusing times in here like AN getting blooded up and Will being called gay by a group of chavy boys who were all wearing pink skirts. The actors were also pretty cool but it would of been nice to see a few more of them or them being more energetic. Also it was nice to see staff dressing up as well on the platform. The ride was actually alot better in the dark. The bathroom scene was actually looking alot better as it was lit well and you could see the body clearer and more detail as you were spun upside down. Still good fun and the actors at the end had a staring contest with AJ which he won. :lol:
After we were all off we had done most rides in the park so Mark called the live to a close as some people were tired and wanted to head off early.
I stayed till park close and went off with my bro, Peter, Ciall and Martyn. First we were deciding what to do as we still had three fastracks left each from opening day. We went over to Inferno first and rode that in the dark. From the lift hill we could see into the arena and saw the Se7en had barely any queue at all so we headed there. Martyn didn't want to do it so sat at the entrance. We got in the queue and got all the way down near the front. But after 10 minutes we hadn't moved at all so decided to leave and go do Stealth. We went to tell Martyn but he had gone from the entrance. We all tried ringing his phone several times but he didn't answer so we went off and rode Stealth again.
On the way back we saw some chavs vaulting the fence and messing around on the trampolines. Ciall grassed them in to two security people who we passed. We laughed as they said they'd sort it out but walked straight into KFC.
After that we went back to Se7ens entrance and Martyn was there again watching the only way in and out of the arena. I snuck up behind him and scared him (I also shouted so loudly other guests screamed as well :lol
he jumped a mile which we found hilarious (except for him).
we then headed back to Stealth again as Martyn wanted to do it. On the way back we saw the two security people we saw a few moments earlier emerge with KFC meals and we laughed. But then when we walked past the trampolines there were about four security staff there rounding them up and sorting them out which was amusing to watch.
After this I think we decided to do X://No Way Out IN THE DARK!!! (dun dun dun). We got there and there was no queue at all. In fact people were coming out the entrance and we had no idea why. We walked along the corridor inside and a group of girls in front of us went round a corner and then came running back screaming. We went on and there was a live actor there scaring people which I though was great. We congratulated him in keeping the queue short for us and carried onto the station and straight into the car lol.
It was actually pretty light inside and you could see some of the track. After that I can't remember what we did. I think we just headed over to Asylum and got in the queue for that. It moved really quick and we were in in no time. The maze seemed to go on forever and was really disorientating. Although the actors didn't seem as energetic this year. We had a group of chavy people behind us who were fine except they were talking during the brief at the start and at the end with the guy with the chainsaw the let go of the line and ganged round him. We didn't see what happened as we carried on walking out but we heard the chainsaw go and a while after us they came out as well.
On our way out we decided to stop by Colossus as Ciall lost his phone on it earlier.
We then headed out the park where I met my dad and went back to his flat to get some sleep for the next day.
Now I wonder how many people actually read all of that.
Sorry for the length and lack of pictures. All photos I took at Thorpe can be found here:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=4 ... 0cda58a472
Thorpe Park:
Was going to take the train but decided to drive instead. Got to the park at around 9:30 and the first thing I realised was how quiet it was. We got out and met with the crowds outside the gate. We asked the woman where we had to go with our ticket confirmation thing and she pointed to a queue behind here to the advance ticket collection. The silly thing was that the actual ticket booths didn't open until 10 so by the time we got to the front of the queue it was already quarter past. To make it worse the woman at the desk said we needed the credit card we used to book the tickets so she could get the last 4 digits. We used our mums credit card to book them so I had to call her at work and get her to tell me what they were. We got our tickets but got in normally just by scanning our annual passes at the gate which makes me wonder if we could of just done that in the first place.
Anyway toilet stop was first in the dome and then we headed over to the meet-up point. Spent a while saying hi to everyone and seeing all the people who wore costumes (fantastic btw except for Steven's). Once everyone had arrived we headed over to Inferno for our first ride. Last year we did the same and the queue was almost 3 hours. This year it was only 15 so we were all gleaming with the idea of a quiet and more relaxed day at the park. Steven provided a good fail in the station when he went to put his bag on the other side of the platform and the staff thought his seat was empty to locked it which meant he got back to a closed seat.:lol: Inferno was actually quite good this time. Usually I get quite dizzy when it ends but I was fine this time. Was nice to see the smoke working again although it was only in the end of the tunnel as the front just dripped water onto you.
After everyone was off we headed over to Det. The queue moved quite quickly and I got talking to Spicy who's really nice. The staff seemed to be enjoying themselves as well and had fun interacting with guests. With the first ride with CF'ers they pretended it was broken at the top and then dropped it when they weren't expecting it and with ours they held it up the top for ages and shouted 'timmbbbrrree' as we plummeted. Great fun.
After this we headed over to the rapids. The queue was full but it moved really quickly as staff were really good at filling every boat. I only just got in ours before if got to the end of the turntable. Az (awesome cossie by the way) got told of by staff for having his brolly up but he put it back up for the tunnel as the water fell from above and soaked everyone.
Once we got off we were met by the sickening site of Steven sitting on a bench in his costume with the bucket of sweets in between his legs.
I think after this we decided to split for lunch. Most opted for KFC. We all brought ours and when Mushroom and Ciall asked us to wait while they picked theirs up we dashed out and over to the fish and chip place where my brother got his lunch. We finished lunch early so just walked around the park. We found Stevens devil willy outside Asylum (which we didn't know at the time) so Peter took it back with us to the meet-up point.
Back outside Loggers most people had already re-grouped. Mark and Jordan began dancing to that was coming out of the nearby speakers.
Only about half the group decided to do Loggers including me. I was at the front of ours and got soaked as it was full of water which all came rushing down and flooded up to my knees. When I came off my shoes, socks and bottom of trousers were soaked and I had to empty the water out of my trainers. Not happy.
After this was Slammer. Even though the queue was short it took ages to get on because the staff were really slow. Also just before we started spinning I noticed my phone was about to slide out of my pocket so I had to grab it and put it in another pocket before we moved. Quite lucky I noticed it.
After Slammer people began tormenting Steven by stealing his trident thing and running away with it passing it between various members. This resulted in it breaking which was funny.

I think after this we did Samurai (it may of been before Slammer). The queue for this took about half an hour and I was unlucky and ended up next to goon. Bad times

I can't remember exactly what we did but I think after this we went into the Saw plaza and got the group photos done.
Next was Colossus which had quite a fast moving queue as once again the staff were trying to fill every seat. I still really like this coaster. My favourite coaster at Thorpe and that day it seemed to belt round the track really fast. The inline twists at the end were taken at quite a speed.
After this we did Rush which was had hardly any queue followed by Vortex. While queueing for this it began to get dark quickly so we got our first night ride. The queue was hilarious as we made Steven think he had bird **** down his back. Kudos has to go to the general public for playing along as well. :lol:
Also got into some really out of hand conversations and Steven told us how the check up at the hospital after having his blood tested after falling of his bike led to him finding out he had a high sperm count. TMI muchly.
Also Steven spent the whole queue saying how he was going to get the seat that ends up at the top of every swing and how he was going to ask the ride ops to make him sit there. We told him they wouldn't listen to him so we found it hilarious when he ended up on the bottom of every swing.
After Vortex we split for a small tea break before heading to Stealth. I can't remember what we did in this time. I think we just walked around for a bit and got a hot-dog from the diner near Stealth. Once we all met up again Mark announced the costume comp winner before Ian dished out loads of exit passes for Stealth. The queue was only 30 mins but we used them anyway. Stealth in the dark was alright. It's got worse now and the curve into the hill hurts as does the bottom of the drop.
Once we were all of I think we did Saw. This was the longest queue of the day at just over an hour. There were some amusing times in here like AN getting blooded up and Will being called gay by a group of chavy boys who were all wearing pink skirts. The actors were also pretty cool but it would of been nice to see a few more of them or them being more energetic. Also it was nice to see staff dressing up as well on the platform. The ride was actually alot better in the dark. The bathroom scene was actually looking alot better as it was lit well and you could see the body clearer and more detail as you were spun upside down. Still good fun and the actors at the end had a staring contest with AJ which he won. :lol:
After we were all off we had done most rides in the park so Mark called the live to a close as some people were tired and wanted to head off early.
I stayed till park close and went off with my bro, Peter, Ciall and Martyn. First we were deciding what to do as we still had three fastracks left each from opening day. We went over to Inferno first and rode that in the dark. From the lift hill we could see into the arena and saw the Se7en had barely any queue at all so we headed there. Martyn didn't want to do it so sat at the entrance. We got in the queue and got all the way down near the front. But after 10 minutes we hadn't moved at all so decided to leave and go do Stealth. We went to tell Martyn but he had gone from the entrance. We all tried ringing his phone several times but he didn't answer so we went off and rode Stealth again.
On the way back we saw some chavs vaulting the fence and messing around on the trampolines. Ciall grassed them in to two security people who we passed. We laughed as they said they'd sort it out but walked straight into KFC.
After that we went back to Se7ens entrance and Martyn was there again watching the only way in and out of the arena. I snuck up behind him and scared him (I also shouted so loudly other guests screamed as well :lol

we then headed back to Stealth again as Martyn wanted to do it. On the way back we saw the two security people we saw a few moments earlier emerge with KFC meals and we laughed. But then when we walked past the trampolines there were about four security staff there rounding them up and sorting them out which was amusing to watch.
After this I think we decided to do X://No Way Out IN THE DARK!!! (dun dun dun). We got there and there was no queue at all. In fact people were coming out the entrance and we had no idea why. We walked along the corridor inside and a group of girls in front of us went round a corner and then came running back screaming. We went on and there was a live actor there scaring people which I though was great. We congratulated him in keeping the queue short for us and carried onto the station and straight into the car lol.
It was actually pretty light inside and you could see some of the track. After that I can't remember what we did. I think we just headed over to Asylum and got in the queue for that. It moved really quick and we were in in no time. The maze seemed to go on forever and was really disorientating. Although the actors didn't seem as energetic this year. We had a group of chavy people behind us who were fine except they were talking during the brief at the start and at the end with the guy with the chainsaw the let go of the line and ganged round him. We didn't see what happened as we carried on walking out but we heard the chainsaw go and a while after us they came out as well.
On our way out we decided to stop by Colossus as Ciall lost his phone on it earlier.
We then headed out the park where I met my dad and went back to his flat to get some sleep for the next day.
Now I wonder how many people actually read all of that.