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Friary Park


Hyper Poster
Ladies & Gentlemen, I welcome you aboard my newest creation - Friary Park.


Logo by Az

Friary Park began life in 1924 as a farm on the east border of Nottingham. In 1985, newly acclaimed entrepreneur Morgan Farraway bought the rundown farms however did nothing with his profitable land.
He has now decided on starting his own theme park business. From scratch.

Here's the interview with Morgan took from this week's local paper;

Interviewer: Morgan, this news has cropped up from nowhere! It certainly has sent shockwaves all round Nottingham, whats going on?

Morgan: {laughs} Well, it was a long time coming I must say. I have always been a bit of a theme park nut myself, and what better way to show it?!

Interviewer: Isn't this a risky move? This day in age its definately hard to build from scratch? Especially with the likes of Alton Towers so close by... whats the plan?

Morgan: I saw a gap in the market about 2 years ago. Alton Towers ARE the benchmark, yet there's still better overseas. It made no sense to me. Britain would benefit from this move. Yes it is a risk, but the way I am planning to manouver this should lead to a raging amount of attention.

Interviewer: I see!, sources have told me your working budget is currently at 70 million, what do you plan to do with this?

Morgan: I've had this question a lot, and yes that budget is the confirmed amount. We have set up a 5 year plan, since we are starting from the bottom here. By year 5 we expect to have 2 major rollercoasters and a hefty number of family orientated attractions.

Interviewer: But you explained recently that Friary Park is to open it's doors publically in 3 months, surely you can't be ready by then?

Morgan: Albert Winklers travelling funfair have leased a small section on land off us. They have a varied amount of attractions situated in Friary Park, including a circus! The park is free entry and wristbands will be £10 while Winkler's fair is still here. We've contracted the fair here for 2 seasons at the moment, this may expand. I should reinform you that wristbands are bought inside of the park, as the park is free entry itself.

Interviewer: Well thanks for your time Morgan, and goodluck with the future!

Now let the work commence!
The 5 year plan has officially been released.

Year 1; Year one should see the opening of Albert Winkler's Travelling Fairground located East of the park. The Winkler family currently have a 3 year lease on the small segment of land in Friary Park.

Development will begin on an African themed sector South West of Friary Park. It is now forseeable that the first major rollercoaster will be constructed within this sector. Construction will begin this season.

Year 2; The major rollercoaster should be finished & opened this season. Further addition to the African themed sector will be 2 flat rides & 1 water ride. Management are looking into food outlets and moreso.

Year 3; A small number of family rides will be added to the African themed sector {name still unconfirmed}. Albert Winkler's Travelling Funfair's lease will run out, and it is unknown at this time whether the lease will be renewed.

Year 4; Some final bits & pieces to be placed in the African themed sector. The park will be employing double the number of current staff. The likeliness of another major flat ride this year stands at 70%, depending on revenue. Planning will be underway of a new major investment aside from this flat ride.

Year 5; By year 5 we would LIKE to begin construction on another major rollercoaster, this has already been planned however is yet to be confirmed. We would like to add a lot more outlets stores around the front of the park too, with possibly an expansion on the park entrance.

Anyway, I have been permitted to show these images, took yesterday from inside the park. Mr. Farraway let a small press group explore the park as it currently stands.

The entrance was built on a budget, and is to blend in the the many contrasting buildings, soon to be constructed.

As you enter the park, you quickly realise how excluded you are from the huge amount of land the park takes up. Massive billboards and bamboo walls currently stand titled 'Coming Soon'. Morgan Farraway explained that ''behind every wall is a mystery''.

If you follow the path, which turns right it will quickly lead you to 'The Garden of Friary'. The garden is home to many different flower & tree types. It has been here for nearly 6 years now.



From up here we can see the prepared funfair, owned by Albert Winkler.


The Inspector looks impressed, walking through The Garden of Friary.


Albert Winkler's travelling funfair is currently closed off from public access until 3 weeks time. That's why this picture is exclusive.


An overview of Friary Park currently.


Note most fences and walls are temporary, that is because they will be down for the opening of different areas.
That looks good! I like how the story, and the construction walls give it a nice touch of realism. For some reason I don't like the sign for the fair, not sure why. :? The garden is nice too, I like how it kind of seems classical with the gold and white statues. The entrance is good too, kind of plain right now, though.
Looks very promising.

I'm also soooo happy that more and more people are doing parks now and this section of the forum is no longer dead. :lol:
Thanks for the comments!

CMonster, it's a shame you dislike the park logo, I really like it! Thanks to Az for designing it.

And Schumacher, yes RCT3 players became a dying breed, especially last year. I am still learning to play the game, since I hadn't been on it since early 2007.
That's okay then :p

The fair was just a case of a few rides surrounded by path, no inspiration or no intentions. It looks pikey-ish enough to be a fair. :wink:
Ormerod said:
Thanks for the comments!

CMonster, it's a shame you dislike the park logo, I really like it! Thanks to Az for designing it.

And Schumacher, yes RCT3 players became a dying breed, especially last year. I am still learning to play the game, since I hadn't been on it since early 2007.

I meant the Tealish sign that says "_________ Funfair" or whatever. I like the one with the trees. And, now looking back at it, it looks bad in a certain way that makes it look good. A kind of tacky fairground way.
August 2009
Unfortunately, I missed the opening media day at Friary Park 3 weeks ago. I came back from Thailand to find things have changed a little.

Morgan Farraway was struck with disaster 2 months ago when freak winds came in from East of England, shattering the low-budget entrance & surrounding fences to bits. He decided to risk some of his budget on a new entrance.

The new park sign stands 40ft tall.

Wristbands are now bought outside the entrance, but entry is still free of charge.

The archway entrance leads into the park.

On the right hand side, is offices and staff areas. The left hand side is for customer usage. The entrance is very segmented.

At the back stands a small glass house, used for school trips, coach trips & other large groups. At the back of the entrance before this, is a meeting room & cafeteria for large groups.

Entrance overview

I decided then to enter the park.

Walking past the glasshouse

The far side of the entrance shadows over you as you walk past.

Took at 9am, the queues flooded in.

Albert Winkler's looks bland, but customers have taken a shine to the temporary fairground rides.

The Garden of Friary has night-time sittings, and extravagant plays held during summer evenings.

The fair closes at 11pm this summer

Park overview

September 2009

It's been nearly a month since I visited, so I rang management to see how they are doing. It seems all is good. As I got to the park I couldn't help but seeing a huge mound

Is this the African Sector? It's a shame the fences have gone, I could see everything!


The detail here from the descriptions is amazing! Its great to have a real in-depth story to accompany the images and park and rides.

Also, the detail on the entrance is great! The park looks very realistic too. :)

Well done so far Josh! :D
Good job on the new entrance! I like it. The skyscraper looks a little weird but I think is okay. Overall good job.

It's funny, I was thinking to myself that you needed to terraform alot when I scrolled down and saw the mountains. :lol:
Im actually glad about those gale force winds because that new entrance is very impressive
How long until the fair goes?
It's actually awful
Thank you for the comments guys! I am greatful. Tonight there might be more to update you on.

Gladiator said:
How long until the fair goes?
It's actually awful

Albert Winkler's Travelling Funfair has been granted a 2 year lease on current land in Friary Park. The fair definately does not fit in with Morgan Farraway's permenant plan for the park. It is the park's only income at this moment in time. There are talks of Winkler selling, who knows?
Ahhh, since I cannot sleep, I decided to spend 20 minutes on RCT3 with a coffee!

March 2010

Well I have not been to Friary Park due to a long closed season. Opening day 2010 was a success, not as spectacular as one would think, but guests understand there's not a great selection at the time being.

Albert Winkler's travelling funfair is still here, and still attracting quite the number I must admit.

The difference in the park lies on the West border, the rollercoaster is 1 month away from open day!


It stands at 242ft, and is the tallest rollercoaster in the UK.


Nobody is allowed access to the coaster at the moment while the theming developers work. The ride from where I stood looks to be B&M, and has the structure of a dive machine. Morgan Farraway has yet to confirm name & background info of the ride... all that's been confirmed is the height.
^ I know the name :D

Looking good mate, really nice to see these updates, makes me wish I could update my park, but my computer is being a pain at the moment...

might go and kick it in a bit...

Keep up the good stuff!

Maybe too big. The second drop alone would be big enough for a DM. I remember from HHE when it got it's massive DM. While it was impresive it was just too big. if you can pull the themeing off well then great! but I think B&M's shouldn't be very high above ground level.
Thank you for your comment Az, I am very greatful, hope you can work on your park soon!
Kimahri you got in there bloody quick, let me post! :cry:
I like it big to be honest, 242ft is probably something we will see soon on Dive Machines around the World. So I thought I'd get in there first :p

A small trailer has been released, which has been said to 'outline some key information' including the ride's name. The press have been swarming round Friary Park, trying to get a distance photograph of what is now the tallest rollercoaster in the UK.


Morgan Farraway, the founder and owner of Friary Park explains that the trailer uses images to vividly explain in simple terms, what the ride is about. The ride will have a larger, more appetizing video played on open day.

We now have more confirmed stats about the coaster.


Manufacturer:Bolliger & Mabillard
Coaster type/Model:Dive Machine/Floorless

Farraway has refused to confirm costs of the rollercoaster.
kimahri said:

Maybe too big. The second drop alone would be big enough for a DM. I remember from HHE when it got it's massive DM. While it was impresive it was just too big. if you can pull the themeing off well then great! but I think B&M's shouldn't be very high above ground level.

It's quite realistic for a modern dive machine, sheikra and gryphon both stick out like huge, beautiful sore thumbs!
It's more from an RCT3 stand point. I think big massive long drops on DM's in rct3 don't look right. It's probably due to the track being smaller and the trains not being as big.