Hyper Poster
Sacrifice's opening day is looming around the corner. Publicity has definately heightened over the past month. Morgan Farraway, along with Albert Winkler have decided wristbands {on Sacrifice Media Day} will be just £5 from 9am to 10pm!
Farraway invited me {along with numerous other business representatives and local media groups} to a hosted meeting. When we got there, dinner and champagne was served, as Morgan delivered a presentation. We were told all about the theme and origin of Sacrifice, and recieved open invite to wander around the site of Sacrifice, to take pictures and explore etc.
The park was totally empty and about 30 of us just wandered round, and had rerides on Albert Winkler's Fair.
Heres what I took;
A Gullotine from the side of the queueline.
Twisting hill into the MCBR {took from the queueline again}.
Walking through one of the tunnelling buildings.
Entrance and exit, took from the park's cherry picker.
The torture chamber, on the left of the queueline, it lies under the lifthill.
From the top of the hill, you can see where the Zero G plummets.
Stood on the MCBR.
The cherrypicker gave the press a good view of the final MCBR & back of the station.
The coaster is to 'dive past the rocky pond' and towards a hill into the final MCBR.
That tight turn past the rocky pond.
Diving into the Immelmann.
Helicopter gives us a good birdseye view.
Farraway invited me {along with numerous other business representatives and local media groups} to a hosted meeting. When we got there, dinner and champagne was served, as Morgan delivered a presentation. We were told all about the theme and origin of Sacrifice, and recieved open invite to wander around the site of Sacrifice, to take pictures and explore etc.
The park was totally empty and about 30 of us just wandered round, and had rerides on Albert Winkler's Fair.
Heres what I took;
A Gullotine from the side of the queueline.
Twisting hill into the MCBR {took from the queueline again}.
Walking through one of the tunnelling buildings.
Entrance and exit, took from the park's cherry picker.
The torture chamber, on the left of the queueline, it lies under the lifthill.
From the top of the hill, you can see where the Zero G plummets.
Stood on the MCBR.
The cherrypicker gave the press a good view of the final MCBR & back of the station.
The coaster is to 'dive past the rocky pond' and towards a hill into the final MCBR.
That tight turn past the rocky pond.
Diving into the Immelmann.
Helicopter gives us a good birdseye view.