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DLP future projects on hold

Way before Frozen happened, Hong Kong were supposed to build a snow/ice themed land, but nixed it at the last minute because Ocean Park built one, and shoved Toy Story Land in instead.

I'm not suggesting for a second that this is happening, but you have to wonder if they're looking back at this now that Frozen has happened.
The parks have slowly been rolling out seasonal cavalcades, starting with the return of the Xmas cavalcade in december 2012. 2013 so an autumn cavalcade and 2014 saw a spring cavalcade. So I'm sure next year will definitely have all season celebrations as stated above.

Marvel? I just don't agree with it being at Disneyland <//3 I know ot's hot and popular but that's a personal view. Studios, sure put it in there. But I feel Six Flags have tired the IPs for me.

Re: Frozen attraction. It's true what Tyler said, Tangled was **** hot when it was released, 3-5 hour queues at DLRP. But that's all they had, and then the photo location was just LEFT for years. If tanything meet and greet wise I'd like DLRP to improve their current Princess Pavillion, as it's rediculous. 2 hour queue for 1 princess and you don't even know what one? At least in Florida you KNOW who you're going to see, and you see 2. Whereas in Cali I saw 4 Princesses.

Improve the current park refurbs that need it (omg the geysers by Phantom manor are vile.) And improve current attractions and meet and greets. I'd rather them fix what's broken than start sommat new.

With regards to lack of shows, Dreams sucked up a **** load of budget, like.... LOADS. Thus all the cuts in shows. But yeah, that's all being fixed appaz.

*excuse lack of punctuation, written from phone super tired.