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Chessington World of Adventures Vs Paultons Park


CF Legend
Chessington and Paultons Park are in my opinion the two closest theme parks to each other in the UK, in terms of theming, rides, and the type of audience the park is appealing towards. Both parks are known for giving an incredible experience to anyone who visits them. The only question is though, which is better? :--D :--D :--D
Oooh good question. I would've said Chessington without doubt, prior to the addition of Lost Kingdom. But now, I am not sure at all, infact I may even say Paultons.

Cred wise it's tough. Dragons Fury is one of the best family creds I have ridden. It's fast and pretty forceful for a family coaster, and has a unique layout. That being said, despite Pterosaur at Paultons being a clone, it's absoultely fabulous! Genuinely took me by surprise on my first ride, add to that it has some amazing theming. I don't really care much for any of the other major creds at either park, Cobra and Veloceraptor were a bit meh, Vampire is juddery as hell and Rattlesnake is a steel wild mouse... enough said.

I think over the coming years Paultons will shoot up over Chessington if they invest wisely. That being said if the Juvelin style launch coaster actually does go to chessington, that could easily win them back the crown. Will definitely be worth watching both of them over the coming years. I expect big things. Lets see how the bubbleworks retheme goes before I start passing more judgement.
ATI said:
Both parks are known for giving an incredible experience to anyone who visits them.

Really? My experience of Chessington based on two visits is long queues for mostly mediocre rides. :?

Paultons was fun but I'd hardly call it incredible. I suppose I'm a bit too old for the target demographic for both parks mind you.
I've never been to Paultons, but it has to be better than Chessingdump.
Chessington is still a lot better, I have a soft spot for the theming at chessie (I know, I'm weird) I like Mystic East, Transylvania and the land of the dragons interaction with dragons fury. It's certainly not what it used to be but its still pleasant. IMO other than Lost Kingdom and Peppa Pig Paultons is really quite poor. They'll no doubt be bringing the rest of the park up to scratch and easily have the potential to overtake Chessington but I still think they are a fair distance behind.
Chris Brown said:
Chessington is still a lot better, I have a soft spot for the theming at chessie (I know, I'm weird) I like Mystic East, Transylvania and the land of the dragons interaction with dragons fury. It's certainly not what it used to be but its still pleasant. IMO other than Lost Kingdom and Peppa Pig Paultons is really quite poor. They'll no doubt be bringing the rest of the park up to scratch and easily have the potential to overtake Chessington but I still think they are a fair distance behind.

I think your giving chessington to much credit I don't think its as big a difference as some people think.
Personally, the family and I had a lot better time at Paultons yesterday than we did at Chessington a couple of months ago.
I see Chris' point about the areas, and yes, PPW and LK are by a mile the best areas, as they've been done since the Park changed hands. But the rest isn't that bad, they've recently rethemed Critter Creek, which is much better than previously, the revamped splash park and climbing frames are also great and the Cobra area isn't bad.

The only real issues are the Log Flume area and Funfair ride area, which should be the focus of the next few years.

Chessington is getting worse and worse, removal of rides and theming all over the place, closure/retheme of Bubbleworks, crap new shows etc. The park caters to all ages but none well, under 5's have hardly any rides, under 8s have a few more but still can't ride 2 of the 4 coasters, and over 10s would rather go Thorpe or Alton.

It's much closer than before, I think it's personal preference now, but I'd hope that Paultons will keep investing and become a go to place for families.
I agree with Chav Chris, Chessie is the better park. I mean, what's better - a vast World of Adventures or a plasticy World of Peppa Pig?

For some inexplicable reason, Chessington totally has the magic for me (and it's not a nostalgia thing, I didn't go there as a child) whereas Paultons, even though it's clearly improving, I still find the park bland.

For example, let's compare park entrances. Chessington has the fab entrance music and lovely wooden buildings. Straight away you are immersed in fantasy, and are going on an adventure. Paulton's entrance looks like a drab leisure centre, and if it has music, I can't even remember it.

If Paultons keep adding impressive areas like The Lost Kingdom though, then eventually they could become the better park.
How do under fives not have much to do at Chessington?

Bubbleworks (and presumably its re-theme), Seastorm, Carousel, Griffin's Galleon, Sea Dragons, Dragon's Playhouse, Canopy Capers, AMAZU, Jungle Bus, Peeking Heights, Flying Jumbos, Scorpion Express and Hocus Pocus Hall just to name some off the top of my head.

Under 8s can ride all coasters apart from Rattlesnake, most kids hit the 1.2 boundary at around 6 or 7. They also have rides such as Dragon Falls, Black Buccanneer, Monkey Swinger, Dodgems etc.

I've not been to Paultons in years, but I think as it stands, Chessington's ahead. However, I can't deny that Paultons will probably be far better in a decade if both parks continue at the rate they're going now.
All depending on the child of course but I've taken both my kids to Chessy at age 3 and of the stuff they could go on, they were scared on half of it, Hocus Pocus and Tomb Blaster specifically, but the high spin rides such as Seastorm didn't go down well either.
I'm comparing really, there is a bucketload more for younger kids to do at Paultons right now.

I forgot that Dragons Fury was 1.2, thought it was 1.3, my bad.

Maybe it's nostalgia, as Chessy used to be amazing when I was young, now I feel bad taking the kids there.
DelPiero said:
All depending on the child of course but I've taken both my kids to Chessy at age 3 and of the stuff they could go on, they were scared on half of it, Hocus Pocus and Tomb Blaster specifically, but the high spin rides such as Seastorm didn't go down well either.
I'm comparing really, there is a bucketload more for younger kids to do at Paultons right now.

I forgot that Dragons Fury was 1.2, thought it was 1.3, my bad.

Maybe it's nostalgia, as Chessy used to be amazing when I was young, now I feel bad taking the kids there.

I agree but feel paultons should at least try to appeal to more of the family because I would like to go their more for the first time in since pepper pig opened but as my mum and dad feel there is nothing their for me they won't take me.
ukthemeparkfan said:
I agree but feel paultons should at least try to appeal to more of the family because I would like to go their more for the first time in since pepper pig opened but as my mum and dad feel there is nothing their for me they won't take me.
To be honest, Paultons have targeted a certain age group, under 8s, and it's working perfectly. If Paultons get anything larger it will be in the current height range, max of 1.2m and that rules out anything big.
The rest of the family isn't really in their thoughts, they have a few rides that the older kids and parents will enjoy, but it's not their priority. By the time the 10 year olds start pestering to go Thorpe/Alton, another generation of babies are born and the cycle continues.
I think at age 3, Legoland is more suitable than Chessington. Whereas Paultons doesn't have much of a minimum age, I'd argue that Chessington is for those aged 4-10 (dependent on the child). So from a "how much is there to do?" perspective, the better park is, in my opinion, dictated by who's in your group.
^Agreed. I wouldn't dream of taking a 10 year old to Legoland, but I would take them to Chessington.
Visited Paultons yesterday for the first time in about 10 years and I was really impressed by how much it has improved. The new Lost Kingdom area felt just like Chessington in its heyday to me. I think I would still put Chessington ahead, but give it a few years and that may very well change.

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My last visit to Chessington was terrible. The one before it was a bit turd too. Which is a shame, I used to like it lots.

Only been to Paulton's once and I thought it was great.

So Paulton's.
Chessington has been going downhill recently, but it's still better that Paultons IMO.

If Paultons continue to make good investments like Lost Kingdom then they could overtake, but for now I prefer the rides at Chessie.
Went to both for the first time in 2006 (age 16) so never experienced them as an actual child. I found Chessington pleasant and Paultons a bit dumpy.

Not been to Chessington since 2010 but even then it felt tired. I'm no expert on the place but I don't think they've added much even since then, so can't see it being any better now.

Finally got back to Paultons this year because, creds. The new areas are much better than the older stuff is but it still felt a bit plastic. Cold, shiny, hard plastic. At least they've made the effort, unlike Chessie / Merlin.

I'll say neither because I'd only go back to either if they got a new cred.