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Bully Victim Fights Back


CF Legend
Decided to finally make a topic about this considering how big the video has become.

Anyway for those that haven't seen it before here's the video
Youtube keep removing the video but people keep uploading it so just search for bullying and then search for results 'uploaded today'. Unless someone can find it on another site where it won't be removed.

Here's a couple of news stories about it.
http://uk.deadspin.com/5782089/revenge- ... es-an-icon

http://www.smh.com.au/technology/techno ... 1bvx1.html

Anyway. The whole point of this topic is that after the video was uploaded a couple of days ago it's become an internet sensation. The boy in the video (Casey), was suspended from school after the incident. Everyone is calling Casey a hero for standing up to the bully and giving him a taste of his own medicine after being bullied for years at school and just ignoring it and putting up with it.

Do you think he did the right thing to hit back and do you have any similar stories?
I remember when I was bullied in school there was this one kid who was really annoying and kept hitting me and my friend. We tried out best to ignore it but it kept going on. One day I finally snapped and hit back much harder. After that the bullying stopped.

People say that violence doesn't solve everything. But in the case of bullying I think it does sometimes. The teachers rarely do anything about it if you tell them and they can't be everywhere at once. Bullies pick on people who are easy targets and much weaker than them. I think once you hit back and make them realise that you won't take it anymore they'll leave you alone as most bullies are cowards.

Anyway what are your thoughts?
Yes, he did the right thing. I don't care, eye for an eye WORKS against people like that.

I did once fight back against one of the BULLIES that harassed me when I was younger and it worked, he stopped. The others all kept going, but, whatever, I was a little fag, I'd have beaten me up too.
I have literally watched this video about 20 times in the last 2 days, and I still think that kid is a legend.

I was bullied at school through all of primary school and part of secondary school - I hated it. One time, a kid who everyday kept coming in and punching, shoving, kicking and humiliating me came up to me and started punching me and laughing, so I whacked him one back and knocked him to the floor. I got in trouble for it -_- It stopped the bullying from him, though.

Bullying is still ignored by schools - it just gets ignored even when it's so clear and seen every day. Since I've become Head Boy at my school, each time I see a kid being bullied, I go over and speak to the bully and the kid and assert some authority - I would report it, but I never get their names.

Bullying made me who I am today, and it's only the last few years that I haven't been bullied that I've actually had confidence and discovered who I am and been able to be myself without people picking on me for it. Coincidentally, I have grown over a foot in those few years, which may have contributed to the end of the bullying...
I once hit back at a bully and got glass in my knee and grass shoved down my throat.
That day was a good day at that school though.....
Unfortunately, that is the only way to get back at those sorts of people; it's the only thing they understand.

I remember when I was bullied at the beginning of secondary school, I did report it and that worked, because we were young, and we had a very scary deputy head who pretty much made the bullies **** themselves. Now though, we have a small woman who isn't at all intimidating as our deputy head, and I'm sure that's to blame for a rise in bullying at my school (although nothing as bad as this).
I'm quite glad the kid did it...

Smarmy little ****e deserved it, just a shame it is such a common and rife thing throughout the world... Typical gang of them as well, found it amusing when the other one tried to make the big guy continue but he showed how mature he was by walking away... I probs would've cracked him one as well...

Oh, and both kids got suspended, but the kid who got bullied got longer (a month), funny old world innit?

Well performed Dominator move as well, bravo good sir... Bravo...
This image from one of the articles shows the injuries the boy got.

He's lucky that's all that happened to him. I hope he learnt his lesson. And LOL at the old wooden crutch. :p
Yup, he did the right thing.

In the case of bullying, the bullies just tend to pick on the weak for strength. Why? It's easy and amusing. Bullies themselves are a bunch of wusses. It gives them pride to beat down on people, pushing them down to step themselves up.

I got picked on pretty much all through school. People stole my stuff (At one point, my pants from when I was in basketball), knocked me around, and made fun of me. It wasn't till about Freshman year in High school that I snapped, threw a jock against the wall, punched him in the face (breaking his nose), and told him to leave me the **** alone. The parents of the kid wanted me locked up, but there were about 20 people who all said I was provoked, therefore making it an act of defense. Anyone who knows me well enough knows I'm not violate, so this was me being at my limit of being the laughing joke. I got left alone, at least by them.

I've at least grown tougher and actually joke back, making it worth next to nothing for anyone making fun of me. I just hope never to be dug at like that again.
He got what he deserved. Bullies are most definitely a bunch of punk ass wusses. Always picking at the weak and when it comes down to somebody bigger than them? They back out. Lmao at the wooden crutch.
When I was in Ireland in the 3rd grade I was beat up almost every day by the 6th grade bullies, but so did a lot of the other boys in my class.
Back in Germany I went to a new school in the 5th grade & the school bully decided he was going to make an example of me. During the recess he pinned me down in the schoolyard in front of all my friends. He sat on my chest & started to rub his knees into my biceps. I struggled to get free & accidentally punched him in the face in the process. He got a bloody nose & I got suspended, but no one ever tried to bully me again.
The school might discipline the boy in the video, but at least he'll be left alone from now on.
I read some comments about "why did he go after a boy so much bigger than him in the first place?" I think this is the crux of why bullying happens.

For most people, the fear of getting into trouble with the authorities is much higher than the fear of being bullied. As a "good student" you want to keep your head down and get a good reputation amongst your teachers, so you get a good report to your parents. You spend what? 80% of your time with your teachers or parents, most of the remaining time is with friends and only a small amount of time being bullied (relatively, I know it seems like an eternity).

The two examples we have here of "good kids" getting suspended for fighting back shows there's right to be fear of this. If I'd been suspended, I'd be much more terrified of my parent's wrath than any fear a bully could put into me... Almost.

In one of my first weeks at secondary school (I was just turned 11), I made a tackle on the best rugby player in school and stopped him scoring a try. At the end, one of the bullies took me to one side and had a go about me stopping his team from winning or whatever (you know the way they make excuses). He hit me and told me not to do it again, I hit him back on impulse. He used to make life difficult when he had his mates around him, but he never touched me again and I knew that he wouldn't, though it was like the video with the big fat kid against the scrawny little ****.

There was one lad though who suddenly decided to try and improve his playground standing by picking on me. The first encounter ended in him punching me in the face twice and me just standing there (he was a big lad, but I can take a punch thankfully). I didn't hit back though and it carried on with sly punches every time he passed me, that kind of thing. He did it in the queue for P.E. once and I lost it. I launched myself onto him and started punching him in the face. I was separated by the P.E. teacher (and ex England Rugby Union team player, prop forward and a big bloke) and taken off for a bollocking. I remember quite clearly telling him I'd had enough of his ****ing **** and I wasn't going to stand for him ****ing punching me on the sly any more.

The teacher just nodded and said not to do it in his lesson again. The bully also got a bollocking and never touched me again. Sometimes it's the right angry indignation in the right place with the right teacher :lol:

There were spates of similar things through school, but most of it was the psychological type. Fortunately, I was a thicky at school and shared a lot of my classes with the bullies so it made me kind of "one of them". Not being intellectually superior is certainly an advantage because they don't feel the need to humiliate you because you're cleverer than they are. I know a fair number of the smart kids used to get considerably worse in the way of bullying and they would spend their lunch times and breaks actively avoiding the trouble makers. I never did as most of my friends were in the kind of dingy thick underparts and weren't allowed access to the more exclusive safe zones the bright kids were.
I remember the time I stood up to a bully in year 9. It was in swimming and something happend and he ended up punching me so I tried drowing him cause he was also a little **** and I was already 6ft. He ended up beating the **** out of me after school so meh. Teachers got more involed though.
I'll hop on the "He did the right thing" bandwagon, because bullies are pieces of **** and there's nothing better than letting them know you shouldn't be messed with.

I have literally hundreds of bullying stories so I'd be here all day if I told them all, but I'll tell my favourites. The first was in Year 11 in Maths class; by this point I had been through so much bullying that I was pretty sick of everyone and there was this stupid **** called Hussein who kept slapping me on the back of the head, kicking my legs and calling me names. Now, I have a very, VERY short temper so I'm surprised I let him do it for as long as he did, but eventually I just snapped and grabbed the metal protractor on my deask, turned around and sliced his arm with it and then stuck it in his hand. I did try to start strangling him but then the teacher grabbed me and took me to the Head Teacher's office. I DID get into lots of trouble for it (but I went to Edmonton County so stuff like this happened all the time so nothing TOO serious happened because the school couldn't be arsed), but it felt SO good to know that I fought back. The idiot went to the welfare room for the rest of the day and funnily enough after that he left me alone! Huzzah! Although, his gang may have threatened to kill me for it...

I'm not brave enough to fight back on the streets though because people in my area carry knives and guns, as I found out first-hand a few months ago. I remember back in 2007 when a man tried to defend himself when he was getting threatened at my local train station (it's like 10 seconds away from my house) and the man who was threatening him pulled out a gun and shot the man dead. So keeping that in mind, when I got the kind words of "Hey faggot, if I see you around here again I'll stick this knife in your chest, you gay boy" thrown at me I decided the best thing to do was to run away. I DID feel like fighting back and I was angry that I couldn't, but to be honest I would much rather be a coward but still survive as opposed to trying to stand up and getting owned a la Kick Ass style.

(...I'm STILL rather confused as to how strangers call me gay or get the impression I am. I'm hardly the stereotypical type :/)
I went through a really bad stage in my life of getting bullied in High School. I used to get called Asian Wonder (don't ask why, i'm not asian, I was tanned, that's it). Also used to get called gay all the time (Ha. If ONLY they knew now.. ;) ).

But all this stopped one day, whe one of the fat ones started to call me in class. I ended up having enough of it, standing up and saying, "Listen, I'd rather be asian, gay or anything you call me over a fit piece of **** like you. So **** off". I remember it SO clearly. It worked, he shut up, didn't know what to say, threatened to 'twat me'. So when I said to him, "Go on then, try it, see what happens". He soon stopped. That, plus, my sister had a boyfriend who was, let's just say, 'Well known' in the local area. When they found out who he was, they stopped immediately. My biggest downfall is not being able to walk away from a fight, if somebody is arguing with me, or wants to fight with me, I'll not stop until they've shut the **** up and gone away from me. It's a bad side of me I think. Lol!
I've always been quite lucky when it comes to bullying I suppose. I was always a 'boffin' at school and a '****ing goth' but I think the fact that I've got a big mouth meant people just left me alone. I remember laughing with my friend in class and this bully girl turned around to me and went 'what the **** are you laughing at you ****ing goth', I just turned around and told her to 'go **** yourself' and she shut up. Why should she have authority to tell me when I can and can't laugh, silly girl.

I've also always stood up for people being bullied, I still do it now. I remember one of my friends had a girlfriend and a bully in my class kept asking really loud, personal questions 'Have you ****ed her yet? Have you fingered her? Has she sucked you off?' etc. My friend was quite shy at the time so he was really embarrassed and being really tormented. So I turned around and said 'Shut up, just because you're still a virgin and need to get details from someone who isn't to **** off to'. He went bright red and shut up.

More recently I've found myself standing up to people in their places of work, or people just trying to do their job. I know it's not outright bullying but it is harassment and can really put a downer on your day. I was in the bank the other day and the man in front of me in the queue was literally screaming at the poor woman sat behind the glass. There was literally spit flying from his mouth and veins popping out on his forehead, quite a frightening git he was. He was angry because for some reason he couldn't get some cash out that day. And he thought, stupidly like most of the general public, that this was the clerks fault. For some reason the GP always make the mistake that it is the waitresses, shop clerks, etc that make the rules/prices of their work establishment and that by shouting at us, we can change these rules. Bloody morons. So anyway I just told this guy not to be so bloody rude, take a step back and look at himself and what he was doing and think, does he really think that by shouting the poor woman can change the worldwide HSBC bank system? No, of course she can't, so take your complaint up with head office and stop harassing this woman and holding up the queue. He stormed off but I got a few pats on the back and looks of gratitude.
Hmm, I don't think I've ever been bullied. Not that I can remember. Sure a few people would say a few things about me missing my little finger, but never anything offensive. I'm happy to discuss it because I can't stand whispering behind my back. Only a couple of kids at school said a few nasty things but I didn't care. It's very difficult for anybody to offend me.

On the other hand, I have been a bully and still am in some respect. Never a bully in the sense of physically hurting people, but very much verbally. The difference is that I will do it the recipients face. I'm a verbal bully, but I'm not a coward. Most of the time it's in jest anyway.

Let me get this clear. Bullies are not cowards. They are not seeking attention or gratification. They do it because they enjoy it!

Fair play to the fat kid in that video. He reacted in a way any sane person would. Everybody has a tipping point.
Ian said:
Hmm, I don't think I've ever been bullied. Not that I can remember. Sure a few people would say a few things about me missing my little finger, but never anything offensive. I'm happy to discuss it because I can't stand whispering behind my back. Only a couple of kids at school said a few nasty things but I didn't care. It's very difficult for anybody to offend me.

Do you know I never noticed that until Sam pointed it out to me at the Paulton's Park thing.