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Bully Victim Fights Back

^^ Hahah, nobody does. And I'd rather people ask me outright about it than try to catch a look or whisper about it. Much like Jerry did at the Denmany Live. I think he was slightly disappointed to hear I was born like it and it didn't involve a story worth telling! :lol:
No. I am not posting photos of my hands on the internet.

Just ask me about it when you next see me if you're that bothered, I will not be offended.

Can we get back on topic about fat kid and the scrawny nobhead kid video now.
Shows how observant I am lol.
And with that video you don't really notice how hard his foot hits. I was too busy seeing how much damage he did to his head and his side but then when you just watch his foot it's a nasty crunch.
At least with this video going viral people who are bullies may realise that it might be better to stop before the same happens to them. :p
Ian said:
^^ Hahah, nobody does. And I'd rather people ask me outright about it than try to catch a look or whisper about it. Much like Jerry did at the Denmany Live. I think he was slightly disappointed to hear I was born like it and it didn't involve a story worth telling! :lol:
I was indeed hoping for a better story. You could have at least made something up for me to believe for the moment. :wink:
Perhaps you should think up something for the next time someone is curious that you might want to take the piss of (if that's the correct way to put it).
Yeah, I wanted it to be some sort of accident that involved him wearing a tie near a lathe or a paper shredder or something.
^ I lost it whilst fingering your mother. :p

(Will that do, Jerry? :wink:)
I was bullied through school for being gay. Funny thing is, most the those guys are gay too now. Funny, isn't it?

I was never confident enough to physically fight back though. I've never hot anyone, I could fight back with words, but thats about it.

I applaud the kid in the video though.

And I agree with Ian, of course the bullies enjoy it.
^^ No. Please. No. Brought back memories of this:


Excuse me while go a troll around for pictures on Ian...

In relation to smacking bullies with kinetic energy. I remember in junior school there was these group of kids who were for the most part pretty well behaved but they were cunning and psychological. They would befriendvyou breifly and make up **** to catch you out and all turn against you. One time when queueing up to go back in after play time one of the was pushing the kid behind me, who was fat back then, into me and making him fall me. I just stood up and smacked the twat in the face (hard enough for the tacher to hear it from a fair distance, the gasps might have also help). They twisted it around and got me in trouble. Felt good though bro.

Weirdly in seniors the one I punched makes ben look more masculine than Mr T. We all became the goth crowd, all apologised and became friends. We also had a skin head and one of the kids who everyone considered "hardest" so no on really bothered us unless they had death wish.

We were a lovely bunch though.
Good on the fat kid.

I never had any issues at school, despite being a fat, obnoxious twat. I had the odd comment about my weight, but nothing close to bullying and nothing that the person saying it didn't get back ten times worse.

I wasn't one of the "cool" kids, but I had plenty of friends and got on with pretty much everyone. I made a conscious effort to have different groups of friends as well, so I wasn't just always around the same people all the time.
I was also disappointed by the lack of an exciting missing finger story.

Oh, and I bought Teeth on DVD for £1 the other day because I've never seen it and always thought it'd be hilarious.

[/purposefully off topic]