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Britains Got Talent


Strata Poster
Ollie said:
^We sung it briefly in college today. It's one of those things that are so bad it's good. :p

No Ollie. It's so bad, it's awful :lol:

Saturday's show wasn't as good as the previous shows, though I am looking forward to the Semi-Finals :)


CF Legend
Was reminding myself of past BGT series and came across Connie Talbot again. Then I found a more recent video from last year of one of her other songs. I didn't know that she still sung. She looks loads older as well (may be because she has more teeth :p).


CF Legend
I just caught up with this week's, and my GOD, have the singers not HEARD of any other musicals?


Staff member
Social Media Team
^That bloke was **** as well. Couldn't see what the fuss was about with him at all. He cried though, so that's a shoe in for the finals already.


CF Legend
^I didn't understand either, he wasn't actually good and he just sounded Welsh and nothing else.


Strata Poster
Simon Cowell is possibly one of the funniest men in Britain.

Theres some right whoppers on this weeks show... that guy who is like "a dog miaowing" was ****ing ridiculous, he must have been kicked in the balls several times to be able to pitch his voice that high!


CF Legend
Tonight's show was great. That guy who sung like a high pitched girl was great. And there were some really funny acts as well.


Giga Poster
Pierre said:
Simon Cowell is possibly one of the funniest men in Britain

No. Just... no.

I only caught about five minutes with the can-can dancers. it's the sort of thing which is funny once or twice and then it's just annoying. Like the monkey puppet guy from the first series.


Giga Poster
That guy who sounded like a girl was so wierd, how would you expect him to sound like that when his normal voice is quite deep. I also thought the farting guy who farted to the song was really funny, plus the merlin guy was pretty crazy with the underwater bowl juggling thing. Oh and the old woman dancing was just plain strange.


Giga Poster

That was discusting yet mildly humorous. I actually don't know if I liked it or not.


CF Legend
Simon Cowell hates Wicked. :shock:
To make it worse he hates the best song from it (What is this feeling).
If only the girls wore something a bit more respectful and not 100 different bright colours trying to blind you then it would of been pretty good. Their voices go together well. :)


CF Legend
Ollie said:
Simon Cowell hates Wicked. :shock:
To make it worse he hates the best song from it (What is this feeling)

Oh, you communist. Defying Gravity is the best song from that show.


CF Legend
^It used to be my favourite but I've overplayed it. :p And I just skipped to the second half of the song as that's the best bit. What is this feeling is my new favourite (currently), but I don't think it'll be long before I play that hundreds of times and select another one. :p


CF Legend

Still, What Is This Feeling is way down there below For Good, I'm Not That Girl, The Wizard and I, Popular and As Long As You're Mine. At least.

I'm just glad someone on the show has now heard of a show that isn't Les Mis!