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Bling advertised for sale

No, that was the only park based one in the UK, which is sad, I really enjoyed it when it was at PB. Ah well, hopefully, Skyline Park are going to run it to it's true potential and not half-arsed like PB.
I does look alot more at home in skyline park and looks much better as well.
I have been on Air when It was at Southpart Pleasure Land and Tbh it was crap, it made Bling seem like an extreme thrill ride.
Nic that was the one at Winter Wonderland - you didn't bother with Hyde in the morning at the Christmas meet did you? I thought it was alright, not as good as Bling, but I remember spazzing out as soon as I found out it was there and frantically texting Scarlet and FB messaging Ben to inform them that the fab ride was there!

I just hope Blackpool actually put something decent where it used to be otherwise that'll just add further insult to injury. Looking at one of those photos has reminded me...didn't BP used to have dual Boosters? Next it'll be Sh**e Blast to go at this rate!

But yeah we definitely need more Bling things (Thorpe anyone? Or Alton since their flats are CRAP) and Boosters too. I've only done XLR8 at Sixfields fair in Northampton, would love to see more park models...I've been told the Southport ones (or is it Brighton? Argh, I forget) are terrifying, ha!
I have been on the boosester in southport and it was crap, booster do nothing for me, I think that they are one of the worst flat rides going.
Not if you have a fat person in your pod with you like I did :wink: It never stopped doing full flips when the arms sped up, it was mental! I think that one was the medium height model, was still high and fast enough. I enjoyed it anyway... :|
Boosters CAN be absolutely incredible, if you have a good weight distribution, it can be SO forceful!