Lofty said:
Hex's platform (which would be where the track would be), is situated on two arms at each end, much like a Top Spin is, so the revolving drum (room) is separate and rotates around this. So there's really no way of getting the same effect as the track would have nowhere to connect to be supported due to it having to 'hover' in the room. What is plausible is a large trommel with a large animatronic to block the end of the room off to gain the same illusion, but that's unbelievably costly and you're looking at a lot of technical issues.
Is it, though? Bear in mind that I've never ridden Hex, nor do I know entirely what it was like, but to rotate a room on one axis around the track doesn't seem that complicated to me.
You need to build the track itself like a bridge across the room, roughly as long as the train itself is. Some 10-15 meters without supports, which is fully feasible.
Next, a hollow cylinder is placed around the "bridge". The cylinder is entirely circular on the outside, but could be fit to include a square room on the inside. The coaster track goes straight through the cylinder, with plenty of clearance on all sides.
The room itself is then rotated like a
hubless wheel, with a system similar to a swinging ship. The engines are placed on the outside of the cylinder, powering the rotation by external rollers, like a big cog. As this is already done with large ferris wheels, I see no problem with extending it a few metres in the length direction while shrinking the diameter.
Heck, you could even just build a "cradle" and not rotate the entire room. Or build a cradle with a light roof above, if you only want to "rock" the room rather than inverting it completely.
It's understandable that costs go up as you'd want to have this entire system inside another building for weather protection, but it's not prohibitively expensive. The room itself is the one moving part, albeit a big one. The "bridge through a revolving drum" concept doesn't sound overwhelmingly complicated to me. Closing off the ends might be a little tricky, though, but could be done with screen doors or tricks of lighting.