First of all, I would like both of you to know no matter who I end up voting for, you both did a tremendous job. Let's start of with Intricks.
I haven't seen much of you apart from Quarry Surfer, and your improvement is great in my opinion. Parts of the coaster I really did enjoy, for example, the fly-through, the tunnel and the crossing track, the third of which I think was what your coaster had going for it that most. However, there were some things that needed to be addressed. First and foremost, I made the same mistake: a terrain stipulation exists for a reason, for people to submit terrain coasters. While I did like your use of the JackyX set for the anti-rollbacks, I think that your turns and hills were too forceful for it to actually be realistic. Also, as I said, you need to stick to the terrain stipulation more closely in order to be successful. All in all, I felt this entry was better than Quarry Surfer but has much room for improvement.
Nealbie, the RCT3, as reddude put it, purist. Your camera skills could use some work, but I think one of the strong points of your coaster was the presentation. Terrain coasters, however, should really hug the ground, and I think that some of your support structures were simply too large. Moving on from the negatives, (not entirely
) The negative G's on the airtime hill.... I could almost SEE the airtime. It was pretty spectacular what you were able to do. Unlike reddude, I enjoyed your use of the rock CS, and although the train seems a tad long, what the coaster does, it does well.
Congratulations to both of you on a solid entry, but in the end my vote goes to nealbie. However there might be a slight issue because I accidentally clicked Intricks' name on the poll. :lol: If a mod could see this and fix it... if not could Colossus please contact the mod for this contest.
Again, well done to both of you, and I look forward to seeing what you both have in store for the RCT3 community in the future!