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  1. T

    Jazz (and film scores!) in the living room

    Sorry for the long break people, but I have an excuse... I've been spending the last few weeks using Sibelius 5 software (music writing equipment) to create film scores for orchestras. So far I have done Star Wars beginning and end, and Back to the Future's main theme. Only one's uploaded...
  2. T


    Thank you for rescuing me. It is soimmense! It's better than Saw.
  3. T

    Get DEMOTIVATED! (may contain some weird stuff)

    Stop this and don't post any more.
  4. T

    Did you read all of that?

    Erm...I got about a third of the way through before realising that I have better things to do... Best bit: :--D
  5. T

    Get DEMOTIVATED! (may contain some weird stuff)

    As this topic is sooooo good: Ollie....just stop.
  6. T

    What Song Was At Number 1 (UK) when you were born?

    Birthday: 23rd September 1995 Song: Shaggy - Bombastic Yay!
  7. T

    Ketchup or HP?

    The fail is strong in this one.
  8. T

    SAW: The Ride - Download on page 20

    You've ridden it?!?!?!?!
  9. T

    Scare Tactics.

    ^ Saw isn't bad at all. The queue has barley anything and the indoor section isn't meant to have scares. On topic, I generally hate horror, mostly gore and mind **** , but if done correctly a good shock is awesome.
  10. T

    Are swans sinister?

    Interesting... Just because I felt a need to post this (and I had to revise latin today), technically only left-looking swans are sinister because in latin, the word for left is actually 'sinister'. How's that for logic?
  11. T

    Charybdis & Scylla (Download- Page7)

    I thought the names were the other way round... Loving everything so far!
  12. T

    You're Fired! - Official Apprentice Topic

    Who was the guy who said: He's got to go. And the twat who said: We don't, no, no and no.
  13. T

    What Kind of Pokémon are you?

    Mew for me. I reckon that's good...
  14. T

    Thorpe wins!

    It was broken almost all day and when it was open it had a massive queue.
  15. T

    No, you're a roller coaster!

    You're very cruel...
  16. T

    No, you're a roller coaster!

    Steven: Flip Flop - Goonish (fitting isn't it)
  17. T

    Thorpe wins!

    At least for today there was a queue for single riders which went through the main gatesand joined up with the fastrack queue at the merge point.
  18. T

    Thoughts on Saw

    I thought Saw was excellent today! I got such a fright on the stairs when it was silent and then suddenly there was this massive bang... I think the indoor coaster themimng could be a bit better though. The outdoor section was pretty fun though.
  19. T

    Thorpe wins!

    Went to Thorpe today wit a friend of mine and we had an awesome time! We got to do absolutely everything (minus Stealth) because Saw drew in everybody in the park so everything else was walk-on. We also chatted to Chris on Depth Charge a few times... I can't remember exactly how the day...
  20. T

    The translate game

    I've got the best one! These are the forgeries of jealousy becomes... Is it that you are keen on fake