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You're Fired! - Official Apprentice Topic


Staff member
Social Media Team
So, it's starting in about, what two minutes?

I'll be watching, and I'll be posting my opinions and predictions here later on.

Feel free to do the same!
Didn't watch a lot of it...was flicking between that and Torchwood....but is it me or do all the women seem bitchy?!?! Ah well tis what us women do best!

Stupid bint who got fired though...'I don't think Sir Alan likes Lawyers'...maybe...but we know he doesn't like incompetent twats......hmmmmn
I couldn't listen to her without laughing. Her mouth was on upside down.

The other bitch just copied everything Sugar said the day before and threw it at the 'leader' in an attempt to appear competent.
Pigeon face! :lol:

That's what Minor_Furie said! "she's got a face like a pigeon".

He was right, and Sir Alan doesn't need feathered vermin :)

Mona was just constantly close to tears. You could see Sir Alan thinking "three weeks time, I'll tear shreds off her and it'll make awesome TV as she runs out and jumps off a balcony! Ratings for the win!"
Mona was funny......giving it all the big talk before she went in and then nearly blubbering like a baby, excellent!

It did look like she had had a good beating to her face.....I couldn't take her seriously if she was my lawyer I would just keep laughing at her!!
I saw three places all within 10 minutes walk from here.

London <3

Where the guys were washing the cars was right behind the halls where this (hot) guy on my course lives. I might go hunt the place out soon.

<3 <3 <3

There were contestants? Eh. I was too busy spotting local landmarks and getting annoyed how they try to pass off the Board Room as in Canary Wharf when it OBVIOUSLY isn't. And when they show them driving around they just show random parts of London for no apparent reason <3
Well, I'm glad that pigeon face has gone. I wanted her to go more becasue she looked so ****ing ugly, not because she was **** in the task.

All three of them could've gone, they were all pretty useless. I don't like that pale woman (don't know her name, but she was the only woman that wasn't coloured ). I don't think she has any business sense and she is just a good arguer.

As for the comment "I don't think Sir Alan likes lawyers", well, take a look at Margaret you daft bitch. She's a ****ing lawyer!

So yeah, I think there is going to be some real bitching going on throughout the series.

Oh, and can I also point out that the blonde one, Kate, she's ****ing fine!
The women all seem absolutely useless this this.
I mean, one of them picked up a feather duster and said "What's this?"!
Then again, the men tried washing the car with the door open... :lol:

It was too close to call between Debra and Anita this week, and I reckon Debra should have been fired because she is a stuck-up bitch. Anita would've had to of gone next week though, to get rid of her stupid lips.
Heh my boss had me in stitches today as she said that Anita looked like a bulldog...my normally reserved stiff-upper lip boss...made me chuckle!!
I quote 'Stupid bint who got fired though...'I don't think Sir Alan likes Lawyers'...maybe...but we know he doesn't like incompetent twats......hmmmmn'

Well he does because Margaret is a lawyer.

That phillip is a complete cockhead and i hope he doesnt win.

Majid or Kate to win, shes a bitch but shes hot.
elmerfudd said:
That phillip is a complete cockhead and i hope he doesnt win.

Really? I thought he was one of the better ones, even if you couldn't understand half the things he said.

Is it just me, or do they all seem like last year's candidates?

Debra and Claire.
Anita and that woman who got fired in the laundry task.
Phillip and Lee.

I don't know but I have a feeling that half of them must be related to past contestants. :P
^I thought that!
Majid reminds me of that Tre Azam geezer from the apprentice a cpl of years ago.

Yeah i hate him, all he did was ripped the project manager, he should have put himself forward if he wanted to be the main man!
I found out tonight that the guy that was part of it called Adam I grew up with, well sort of anyway. He is my mums friends brothers son, and I knew him when he was a kid.