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Scare Tactics.

The thing that gets me most is...

  • Shock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adrenalin Rush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mind ****

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • High Tension

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gore Pronz

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


CF Legend
So yeah.

After watching REC I thought of this poll.

So out of the Options provided, what is your preferred method of being scared?

What get's you the most? Which ones do you hate simply becuase they fail to scare you?

Run down of the options with Examples.

The Shock. The most common method, usually a loud noise that startles you and make you jump with possibly a little squeak. Mostly seen in Horror movies.

The Adrenalin Rush. Once the move gets going, it really gets going. Like in the previously mentioned REC and Cloverfield.

The Mind **** - When you see disturbing stuff which is not a violent bloodied explosion. It's the things like Extensive writing on the wall, Strange Symbols, People turning into things they shoulden't and the constant feeling of being watch by something that really hates you. Ala Silent Hill, The manga Uzumaki and in some cases F.E.A.R.

The High Tension- Picture this. You're stuck some where trying to escape, prison, island, what ever. Every where you go there is always something that can kill you out right and you don't have anything to defend your self except the environment and darkness. You hide behind some boxes to avoid being seen by the nasty but then you make a noise and it notices. The thing is breathing down your neck but still doesn't realize you are there and walks off. Like in Forbidden Siren and Thief Dark Project.

Is this scare tactics for films or anything (haunts?).

I quite like the mass panic scenes that Cloverfeild has. Where the whole city is frantic and there s crowds of hundreds of people running and screaming while things explode and stuff around them. War of the Worlds does this as well (the new one).

Urm, some other films don't scare me that much. I'm alright with gore thinks that make me jump don't usually work unless they really catch me off guard like Rec.

And with Mind **** you mentioned Silent Hill. I got really big chills playing that as well, especially the first and second ones in the series. Just the suspense of not knowing what's a few feet ahead of you in the fog or when you hear footsteps in a dark corridor and you're out of ammo. Prime example is in the first one where you're in the school and you're about to leave the locker room when one starts banging and shaking. You go to check it out and (stupidly like in the movies) open it. Then a cat jumps out and scares you.

So yeah, horror is hard to do as people react differently to different things and something that scares one person won't necessarily be as scary to someone else.
Personally, I hate getting scared. That's why I don't do any ghost trains... But the thing to scare me most is the shock. Not only a light or sound, but a touch would probably drive me insane, in right conditions.
Personally, I hate getting scared. That's why I don't do any ghost trains... But the thing to scare me most is the shock. Not only a light or sound, but a touch would probably drive me insane, in right conditions.

I'm still apprehensive about riding Saw. I say I hate horror films, but if it's more psychological horror without resorting to shocks, and it's well written, I can watch some horror movies.
^ Saw isn't bad at all. The queue has barley anything and the indoor section isn't meant to have scares.

On topic, I generally hate horror, mostly gore and mind **** , but if done correctly a good shock is awesome.
I don't get easy probably because I've been watching horrors and 18's since the young age of 9-10,

but mind **** is the best way of scaring someone epically if it can recoil old childhood fears.
Shock by far. Hate, hate, hate it! It's why I am terrified of balloons popping and don't like doing Haunts or watching horror films that much.

I want to start getting into horror films more, does anyone know of any films which don't have a lot of the shock elements to it or any you definitely wouldn't recommend to me?

The rest don't bother me that much at all, although high tension does in a way as I'm scared there's going to be a shock element on the way!
Rush said:
I want to start getting into horror films more, does anyone know of any films which don't have a lot of the shock elements to it or any you definitely wouldn't recommend to me?

The Orphanage.

That doesn't use shocks at all really.
I love being scared, love horror movies, they're amazing =]

Best of all is high tension like in Rec (only film to ever scare me past the age of 15)

Gore is brilliant, Braindead <3

I hate the jumpy thing, where the director thinks that just blurting out a stupid loud noise accompanied with a scary image is sufficient enough to scare his audience, the cop out method. It sucks and is the reason why most modern horror movies suck, lazy directing.