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  1. J

    Show your RCT3 favourites Here !

    Love this, one! ^
  2. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) I sort of just threw those in for fun. :P
  3. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) The balck at the begining? Yeah, I'm still working on that.
  4. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) Corkscrew Layout
  5. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) I think I'm just going to enter my medeival one, as I don't have time to make a proper one.
  6. J

    A Coaster is born.

    What pathcovers are you using?
  7. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) I quite like the red, I'm going to leave it that way.
  8. J


    Ahh, good eye. Thanks.
  9. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) Oh. I'm not done, and as mention in my post a couple above: But thanks for the tips.
  10. J


    Why is there a giant 76 on the front of Coney Island's Cyclone? Clicky for photo
  11. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) Sorry for lack of updates, trying to work out some CS bugs, I'm going to post some Crockscrew pictures Saturday afternoon.
  12. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) When I get more done I will. :P
  13. J

    Derek's Dueling Coaster Comp

    It was based on that, I think he said.
  14. J

    Favorite Premier Rides coaster

    I loved the Revenge of the Mummy, really fun, fast paced, etc. Backlots are just real fun, not scary, but they still deserve a mention.
  15. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) I'm gping to post a more visible update of my Medievel Luancher soon(Monday or Tuesday), and I might be able to show you guys my crockscrew tomorrow. Sorry for the lack of updates, I just have basketball championships going on, and I'm kind of swamped, but...
  16. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) *cough* volcano *cough* Kind of obvious.
  17. J

    INSIDIAN - Fear The Night

    As peeps smile as they glide along the coaster tracks. :P
  18. J

    Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) [EUROFIGHTER UPDATE] P.3

    Re: Copycat topic (Josh's dev topic) Don't get your hopes up, it isn't that great. The colour is not finalised, do you guys have any ideas?
  19. J

    Derek's Dueling Coaster Comp

    I didn't enter...
  20. J

    RCT3 | CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (Voting Period)

    Re: CP10`s Intamin Challenge. (OPEN) Sounds great! Count me in.