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  1. R

    Southend, Adventure Island

    Even though its a one hit wounder, its such a fun ride and everyone jumped. Its the kind of ride that will be really funny when you go with your friends without them knowing what happens.
  2. R

    Southend, Adventure Island

    Last Wednesday my family went to southend for the evening so me and my younger brother spent a few hours at adventure island seeing as we both hadn't been there since 2007. The park was pretty busy but no queue was longer than 10mins still and we got everything done that we wanted too. Here's...
  3. R

    Theme Park STUFF collecting...

    Yep sure, PM me your address :) You have to go through the whole dungeons to get the credit but its really worth it. Most of the tour is in English as most the Dutch people understand it and then some of the parts are in Dutch but everything is in English first. ^^^ And Rach, can I...
  4. R

    Theme Park STUFF collecting...

    I got a load of 2009 spare maps from Walibi world, Djurs Sommerland, Hiede Park, Farup Sommerland, Tivoli Gardens and the Amsterdam Dungeons if anyone wants....
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    Your favorite moment of airtime?

    Collosos first drop and first hill <3
  6. R

    Black or blue?

  7. R

    Flash Mob invades Grona Land

    Woah, that was pretty cool. Not quite as impressive as the t-mobile one at liverpool street but still very good.
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    When I went to thorpe last October I went on stealth about 4 times in a row as there was no more than 10 people in the queue and I decided that I would go on to another ride whilst the park was empty. I turned around to see that the next train had a rollback..... I was so pissed off because I...
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    El Paso Express - Is it a credit?

    Thats made it even more confusing. Its on Coaster Count but its not on RCDB :S
  10. R

    El Paso Express - Is it a credit?

    Can someone explain the differance to me between this and a standard powered coaster please
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    Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

    Great report Ollie, lots of cool pics :) Mushroom, that video is so funny. Just love it when marc realises he threw the water at that innocent mechanic
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    Top 10: 2009 Edition

    Stealth above superman ROS :? and when did valhalla become a coaster? :lol:
  13. R

    What coaster would you ride all day?

    Piraten! Had ERT on it and went on 18 consecutive trains and could of happily stayed on it all day :)
  14. R

    Top 10: 2009 Edition

    1)Dragon Kahn <3 2)Collosos 3)Piraten 4)Nemesis 5)Fluch Von Novgorod 6)Oblivion 7)Dessert Race 8)Lynet 9)Nemesis Inferno 10)Deamanon
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    Rolling launch Vs. Standing launch

    Like others have said, rolling launches do give a kick and are very fun but they wouldn't work as well with rides like TTD. Out of the rides I have been on, I prefer the rolling launch :) Fluch and Lynet > Stealth and Rita
  16. R

    CoasterForce Fantasy Football 09/10

    My team is Ry-man FC
  17. R

    New Rides for Top Ten?

    In the last week I added Collosus, Piraten, Fluch, Dessert race, Deamenon and Lynet to my top 15
  18. R

    Is it just me, or is Daemonen rubbish?

    I thought Daemonen was a pretty good ride. Its not as good as most other B&M but still better than most others. Its really good in the front row but not really anywhere else. It also is very short and not the kind of ride that you would want to re-ride in a rush.
  19. R

    Which is better Saw or Fluch von Novgorod?

    Fluch was amazing! Even though it only had 30% of the theme it was still great and much better than SAW. It also has a really cool exit which includes a dark maze and slide :) Also, I prefer the indoor lift hill and drop on Fluch to the one on Saw
  20. R

    Fårup My Frikadella Trip Reports!

    I just woke up after a lovely 12hour sleep and already miss everyone. It was a fantastic trip and I enjoyed every day of it! About to upload my photo's onto facebook and then I will do a proper trip report. :) Thanks to Slayed for organising and to all of the drivers aswell!