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  1. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    I could see this happening, but if they don’t want to have IPs in the main park and keep it as civilisations I see a couple of options in my mind. Either change the trains of red force to fast and furious and make it part of the park they build with IPs, and divide the rest of the park into...
  2. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    As far as I´m concerned, universal sold PA due to internal restructuring and company crisis at the time, not because it had bad attendance. It certainly wasn't the best but they just didn't find it profitable enough to make it to the market. But now is another story. Disney is rising in Europe...
  3. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    There is more than enough space to make a complete new park with IPs and still have space for a couple of big hotel resorts or yet another park. Portaventura is the closest thing in Europe to universal. In fact, IOA was based on portaventura. I don’t think they would keep ferrari land as it is...
  4. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    Here is where things get exciting: It is represented by baylos, a Spanish legal advisors firm
  5. J

    Parque Warner Madrid | Gotham City Escape | Intamin Launch Coaster | 2023

    Out of all the new gen Intamin trains (without universal´s budget), I think this one is looking like the best so far in terms of features! Let´s see how cool the sits are!
  6. J

    Any news on Falcon's Fury?

    Photo from literally right now, they are working on it!
  7. J

    PortAventura | Uncharted | Intamin Multi-Dimension Coaster | 2023

    PortAventura reads this and makes it become a reality! Would be nuts, the first preshow in Spain with a big celebrity acting!
  8. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    "Carnaval"... that´s what they used to do from 2001 to 2003 when the park was owned by Universal... and it´s the equivalent to Mardi Grass. Where is the Universal logo at the end of the promotional video? 🤣🤣. Important news might be coming soon to the European theme parks industry.
  9. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    That looks pretty legit. Unless some random dude really wanted to troll us and brought thousand-dollar cameras to the park LOL. I really want to believe it's true and going to happen in the very near future, but at the same time reserve my excitement and expectations until we know more accurate...
  10. J

    Portaventura Being Sold Back to Universal? Rumour!

    Interesting info! I really hope this is true and they begin to rebrand and fix the park ASAP! not saying it's bad, I actually think it´s one of the best in the area, but it needs some changes to bring it to universal park's levels. :)
  11. J

    PortAventura | Uncharted | Intamin Multi-Dimension Coaster | 2023

    What do you mean by "got robbed"? Not saying it's something wrong, just curious what your experience was. I believe PA to be one of the best value parks out there in Europe, especially for what they offer.
  12. J

    PortAventura | Uncharted | Intamin Multi-Dimension Coaster | 2023

    I mean look at veloci at IOA and dark coaster at BGW. Nothing to do with that, it’s just that it looks amazing and it’s a color difficult to stain.
  13. J

    Parque Warner Madrid | Gotham City Escape | Intamin Launch Coaster | 2023

    Seems like the trains are arriving soon, around next week if the rumours are true... And apparently, they are themed and shaped to the batmobile from what I was told. Will have to wait and see, but I´d love to see some lights to make it beautiful during the night though I doubt this, too much...
  14. J

    Parque Warner Madrid | Gotham City Escape | Intamin Launch Coaster | 2023

    Well, at this point nothing surprises me. I have been saying it since the beginning of the construction and I will maintain with this opinion: PW’s marketing is one of the worst out there. I don’t know how it was before but right now it needs an immediate change of budget and strategy, as well...
  15. J

    Parque Warner Madrid | Gotham City Escape | Intamin Launch Coaster | 2023

    Mystery solved I guess... I knew they couldn't be the old trains, didn't really make sense given that we are in 2022.
  16. J

    Parque Warner Madrid | Gotham City Escape | Intamin Launch Coaster | 2023

    I it’s intamin who put the name appearently. But yeah idk why, maybe because instead of going to the interior or more to the left to take the dive loop, it goes straight and shifted to the right, so for me it’s kind of like if it wants to go outside therefore outer XD. But idk there are many...
  17. J

    Hurricane Ian

    Holy cow, that’s crazy stuff. Just so that you can make an ideas of how strong the thing was. Now imagine a small house😰😨 poor people.
  18. J

    Hurricane Ian

    right but don't necessarily think its something bad. I mean there are much more priorities ofc, no doubt about it.
  19. J

    Hurricane Ian

    yeah, just think of how many hurricanes normal gwazi survived. Generally, wooden coasters are far more stable than some ppl think. They will ofc assess the damages, if there is any fix do it and open it ASAP.
  20. J

    Hurricane Ian

    I thought it was worth to create a thread here since the area affected is among the best for theme park enthusiast. I wanted to make sure y’all are safe and maybe people who experienced it can share their expreinces. It seems that the hurricane is at cat 1 in Orlando rn. Soon enough images from...