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  1. Artichoke

    Best ride at Disney World

    I always give Test Track a bit of love. I think it's an awesome ride. So I'd be delighted to skip the queue :)
  2. Artichoke

    Bully Victim Fights Back

    I am so sorry that happend to you East Coaster. Good job on the bloody nose, even if it was an accident.
  3. Artichoke

    Bully Victim Fights Back

    He got what he deserved. Bullies are most definitely a bunch of punk ass wusses. Always picking at the weak and when it comes down to somebody bigger than them? They back out. Lmao at the wooden crutch.
  4. Artichoke


    I just started taking a Spanish class a couple of months ago. So, I guess it's safe to say... Two :wink:
  5. Artichoke

    Your type of Nightlife.

    I used to sit at home like a hermit, lol. But now, I enjoy doing both. I might like clubbing and raves a bit more. But, I'm always down for a good gathering with friends :)
  6. Artichoke

    Are Japan's parks affected?

    Well thinking back on what's all happened, it would seem like there would be some sort of damage. But I also agree with Lofty. It is on a much higher ground. So, it's definitely a 40 50 chance.
  7. Artichoke

    Favourite mine train?

    Ehhh... I can't really make a choice at the moment, lol. I'll come back to this one.
  8. Artichoke

    Favorite Woody?

    Yeah, really. Friends of mine don't really think too much of it. But I like it. Buuut, then again the Roar is also another one of my faves. I've been on that way more then GhostRider.
  9. Artichoke

    how many times in a row?

    Haha I didn't have a concussion xDD :D
  10. Artichoke

    how many times in a row?

    Oh my god, I've ridden the Boomerang like seven times in a row. I just can't get enough of that one for some reason. It gives me such an adrenaline rush.
  11. Artichoke

    Am I the only one that feels...

    I've never been to that one. But, most of my friends tell me that it's not the best park in the world. But, if you enjoy it even if they haven't built anything knew in years? Then you should stop by.
  12. Artichoke

    First Rollercoaster Experience Ever!?!

    The Roar at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. My mom made such a big deal out of Coasters, she didn't let me get on until I was twelve. I was scared out of my mind because of her, thinking I was gonna die. But when I got on... It was a whole different story. Ever since then, I've been crazy about...
  13. Artichoke

    The Games we play...

    Veeery funny Kimahri xD
  14. Artichoke

    Dreaming Theme Parks...

    I had a dream I was at Six Flags Great Adventure. (And I've never been there) And I was in line with a friend, getting ready to get on Kingda Ka. I was really pumped up and hyped to get on this ride. But, inside I was being a real pansy. So we get on the ride and they strap us in. My heart went...
  15. Artichoke

    The Games we play...

    I'm with Ollie. I've been following Dead Island since the trailer first came out. That is my game of the year :--D
  16. Artichoke

    How many pancakes did you eat?

    I had four. I'm tiny, but I sure know how to eat some Pancakes :--D
  17. Artichoke

    Sex education for 5 year olds

    Good for you Furie :wink:
  18. Artichoke

    Sex education for 5 year olds

  19. Artichoke


    Wow. Nice name choice. Really :--D
  20. Artichoke

    Fantastic Park Websites.

    Woooow. Their website is extremely craaazy. I've never seen anything like it. I'm amazed and confused at the same time. And that second ride? -Heart stops- Wow.