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  1. Rush

    Youtube muting protest.

    I don't understand the obsession of getting so many views. It's the reason I stopped using Bebo as I kept getting 'COME oNTo MY paGE aNd YEWl get 1miLLion page Views!!' It's not like it'll make your penis grow bigger. I'd rather get less people view my videos but someone who actually cares...
  2. Rush

    Youtube muting protest.

    I'm joining the protest in the protest of people protesting in the Bad news topic about YouTube muting their videos. I guess I need to get a YouTube account.
  3. Rush

    What month?

    This day. Two months ago. 18th December if you can't be bothered with the counting.
  4. Rush

    Guess the Coaster

    Correct. Although I should really not allow that as it's supposedly called Big Foot now. :wink:
  5. Rush

    Celebrity Deaths 2009 Edition

    Damn I was going to do the same prediction but I didn't have the heart to. :P
  6. Rush

    Do you send on chain mail?

    Either delete them. Email the original sender to tell them to not send it to me. Manipulate the chain mail and pass THAT on. :P (If I can be bothered.)
  7. Rush

    "Now Showing"

    Ollie! You brought that spoiler to my attention without warning me about it first! :wink: Anyway I think I'm seeing Slumdog Millionaire tomorrow and I hope it lives up to all the awards!
  8. Rush

    Gigs 'n' Tours

    I'm pretty sure September only has 30 days...
  9. Rush


    :wink: I don't know whether we were lucky or whether it's different since then but I found it was actually a pretty good time to go.
  10. Rush

    Blaze coaster shop-orders (still) welcome

    I know. :P I'm just winding him up. :p But I want to see how you make your coasters. To me it seems you're basing your rides off how well RCT rates them. That's not how they should be measured. It should be measured on a good layout, decent forces and not too unrealistic although a bit of...
  11. Rush

    Blaze coaster shop-orders (still) welcome

    I said I wanted a Stand-Up. God don't you listen? The service in this shop is dreadful!
  12. Rush

    Blaze coaster shop-orders (still) welcome

    Build me a Stand-Up Make it's excitement level THROUGH THE ROOF. Or I'll beat you round the back of Blivvy's station with your own arm.
  13. Rush

    Guess the Coaster

    Nope. :D
  14. Rush

    Guess the Coaster

  15. Rush

    Guess the Coaster

    It's Space 2000 at Gyeongju World.
  16. Rush

    6 Nations Rugby

    WOO! Wales won! That's the 'who loves sheep more' competition settled. :P
  17. Rush

    Rate the joke above

    I don't really get it but the pictures are funny so I'll give it 5/10. What's fun for 9 out of 10 people? Gang Rape!
  18. Rush

    6 Nations Rugby

    Wales to win! Always supported them in the rugby and I hope they can win it just as well as they won it last year! Eurgh annoyingly I'm going to miss their game tomorrow against Scotland.
  19. Rush


    Anytime before Easter Holidays is good to go but I would wait until Manta and HRRR open if I were you. Try going in mid-August. When I went it was actually really quiet. Yes it will be absolutely baking and it is in Hurricane Season but I didn't have to wait longer than 45 minutes to get on a ride.
  20. Rush

    Most Aesthetically Pleasing Coaster

    I've always loved the look of Kumba. Apollo's Chariot looks very nice as well.