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  1. Rush

    Thorpe Park 7th Mar. 09

    ^In Thorpe's defence, Stealth, Slammer, Samurai and Rush were not scheduled to open until the 14th March so it's good that they got Rush (half) open. (I know Rush was meant to be due a while back but they got it open a week earlier. :P)
  2. Rush

    Nemesis VS Rita VS Air VS Oblivion

    Rita is a good ride. Oh sorry, did we mean the coaster? It's not that bad, it's a bit jerky but I think the launch is great and I did get quite a bit of air on it. I'd much rather ride it over Stealth.
  3. Rush

    Dark Chocolate

    That also. Except I like After Eights as well. White and milk chocolate is so much nicer.
  4. Rush

    Thorpe Park 7th Mar. 09

    Was Rush on two swings?
  5. Rush

    High School returns 4 Musical

    I'd rather listen to Vengaboys, and therefore I'd rather listen to a constipated howler monkey. Oh and I predict an epic fail for this. I'd rather they had gone on to do 'University Musical.' Lots of getting drunk, doing drugs and being a riot*. Now that would be a musical worth watching. :P...
  6. Rush

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    I wouldn't exactly call Mutiny Bay a 'minor' development.
  7. Rush

    Favourite and most hated rollercoaster train

    After seeing the update, I think Manta's trains are possibly one of the best looking! (Well the front part is.) (From Orlando Sentinel/TPR)
  8. Rush

    Vending Machine

    Receive: Steroids. *Bash the side of the machine*
  9. Rush


    I think I've done this before and I've probably changed my mind since then. 1. Monsters Inc 2. Incredibles 3. A Bugs Life 4. Toy Story 5. Toy Story 2 6. Finding Nemo 7. Cars I haven't seen Wall-E or Ratatouille yet. I'm surprised Bug's Life is rated so low, I love it! Monsters...
  10. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    For every part of the ride Ollie gets wrong, he gets a kick in the nuts. :lol:
  11. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    Don't double post Ollie. Never mind Saw, I'd rather spend those 3 hours riding Rush and riding Saw the next day. :P I COULD go after school on that day but I'd end up getting there at half 3 and it's not worth the train fare either. As Rach said, I'd rather the better company, getting in...
  12. Rush

    Vending Machine

    Receive: A free chlamydia scan. Insert: Nicaragua.
  13. Rush

    If you saw an old lady fall over...

    I'd help her up because I'm an honest, decent, helpful and compassionate person. Although I want to know what would YOU do alexdude98? You seem to be all in for asking questions yet we haven't heard your opinions. Are you waiting to go with the majority flow so that you don't look like a fool...
  14. Rush

    Nemesis VS Rita VS Air VS Oblivion

    Oblivion. Air. Rita. With Nemesis rusting in her waterfalls of vaginal discharge.
  15. Rush

    Sheikra Questions

    It doesn't say anything about 87.6 degrees. [EDITED. No personal insults. CP6] love Rush xxx
  16. Rush

    Thrill Chill 1st March

    Well lots of rumours circulating Forp Forums, some say something got stolen but that sounds ludicrous. Anyway I think they've ordered parts which just haven't arrived yet.
  17. Rush

    Thrill Chill 1st March

    It's not working.
  18. Rush

    Sheikra Questions

    Hey elmerfudd! I'll show you my sources if you show me yours! :--D All those say 81 degrees. Others say 90 but it's definitely not...
  19. Rush

    Sheikra Questions

    urm, elmerfudd, i think ull find it is. Well its actually 81 degrees but, its no where near enough.
  20. Rush

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    No! My spoilers... :P