New profile posts

Did you know that Ron Toomer, designer and developer at Arrow Dynamics, rarely rode rollercoasters because he suffered from bad motion sickness? He was the one who gave us the Corkscrew and Arrow's famous suspended swinging coaster, but only rode the rides himself a few times - if at all. -- Who would have thought it?
I just like blowing my own trumpet to be honest
Is this rhetorical or do you play an instrument?
Nicky Borrill
Nicky Borrill
Both... I do play multiple instruments, I was in a marching band from a very early age, I can play Most brass instruments, side drum and a little saxophone too (alto and tenor.) Trumpet and Side Drum are my strongest instruments, though I've not even picked either of those up in over 10 years.

But I was also joking around too, in response to all the band posts. :)
Haha, that's so cool! You should definitely try the french horn, its the best brass instrument. ;)
Why is everybody on the site British
Nicky Borrill
Nicky Borrill
I'm actually not sure if there's more Brits, or more Americans, but us Brits are definitely more active right now. Unsurprising considering next year stands to be the best year in the UK, in terms of coasters, for 30 years!!!
This status was a joke, but yeah, that makes sense.
It does seem like there are a LOT of Brits :)