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Your worst spite

My worst spite probably has to be Flying Turns. I made my first visit to Knoebels in summer of 2020. Most of the park was short staffed, so I missed out on Impulse and Flying Turns. Came back to the park in 2021 and finally got the Impulse cred. Flying Turns was still closed. Let's try again in 2022! A lot of the stuff that was closed for COVID opened back up except the one coaster cred I needed, Flying Turns. I finally rode it for the first time last summer. It was alright for what it was.

Sooperdooperlooper was closed for the day on my first visit to Hersheypark. I went back to HP during COVID and Looper was still sitting closed. Funny enough, the train was sitting in the exact same spot on the brake run in 2013 as it did in 2020. I got the cred eventually in 2022.

Losing Steel Curtain at Kennywood during COVID really sucked too. I lost out on a lot of other rides visiting during COVID. Noah's Ark, Turtle, Ghostwood, etc but SC was the biggest loss to me.

Little Devil at GAdv was supposed to be my 300th coaster. It was closed that visit, so I tried making Oscar's Wacky Taxi at Sesame Place my 300th. Nope denied. Huge bummer! Super Grover's Vapor Trail ended up being my 300th. Not a bad milestone, especially since Wildcat's Revenge was #299 for me. I did end up getting that Little Devil cred eventually, so I can say I've ridden all the operating coasters at GAdv.

GAdv also spited me out of Bizarro on my first visit in 2016. The ride ended up going down for maintenance in the afternoon and never went back up again. On my next visit in 2019, Bizarro opened, but trying to get Green Lantern, I sat down in the seat and then the ride shut down for weather. I did end up getting Green Lantern and Superman when I went in 2021, but Jersey Devil was closed (this was right after Stunt Pilot lost its wheel). I finally rode JD in 2022, which was great. The ride was apparently not running its best in 2021 anyway, so those amazing 2022 rides made up for that.

Knott's was another story. I originally didn't plan to visit Knott's at all on my last SoCal trip, but I was in the area and had an extra day before Disneyland, so I decided why not? Xcelerator, Montezooma, and TImber Mountain were all closed. I knew about Xcelerator and Monte. Seeing both closed was almost the deal breaker for me not visiting Knotts, but Timber Mountain was the biggest loss IMO. Luckily Indy at DL just went back up from its refurb, better than ever. That totally made up for losing Xcelerator and Monte. I'm glad I also got their Splash Mountain before that closed forever too.

Whizzer at SFGAm was closed both days I was at the park last year. The first day it had rained out and the ride doesn't run in rain at all. The next day, it was completely dry though. Ride was still closed,
Id personally say Top Thrill Dragster. I knew it would be closed but just seeing it there standing and not operating was just sad times all around!
For me it would be X @ SFMM, yes X and not X2.
I've visited the park in september 2006, and I allready knew the ride would be closed because of the gearbox which got blown to pieces just a month earlier.
So I managed to get over one of my spites as I finally got to ride the Ghost Train at Thorpe on Tuesday. It's an interesting experience, I wouldn't say it was bad but I also wouldn't say it was good. The actors though gave there all so fair play to them. Next week we're off to Skegness for the weekend so I'm hoping to get over Odessey and Millenium as well, could have all my spites done in the sapce of 2 two weeks!
My worst is the Ultra Twister at Rusutsu Resort. So much effort to get there and the very first park of our Japanese coaster trip only to find it shut for the season early. Hopefully one day I'll get back...
Today, Tornado at Bakken has failed to open on my visit. The park's quiet enough for me to know that they would absolutely turn on the ride's boost mode if I asked, which is sad, but oh well. It doesn't really sting *that* much as I was concerned that I'd hate it, but would've been nice to say I'd done it.
I've had a few such situations. The most recent was my trip to Cedar Point this summer for Coastermania. Obviously there is Top Thrill 2, which spited pretty much everyone. But to make matters worse, I was saving Steel Vengeance for the evening ERT, and what a huge mistake that was. In retrospect I should have just braved the long line and done it early in the day. So as soon as ERT began, I figured I'd get a ride on Maverick, as I had not ridden it since they changed out the hard shoulder restraints. That was my second mistake. After I got my one ride on Maverick (which was much more rideable than before) I headed to SV and had to put my fanny pack in a locker first. Well, I paid for the locker and headed for the entrance when I noticed lots of people were exiting. Sure enough, SV had broken down and that was a premature end to the ERT for that coaster. Yep, what a slap in the face - I went all the way to CP and didn't get to ride SV! CP is 6.5 hours from me so not super far but still not like a home park. Sadly my third RMC was not to be. It will have to wait until next summer. I'll be sure to ride it at least once early in the day. Hopefully TT2 will also be open and running and maybe they will have Siren's Curse running as well.

My second spite was a whole park wide one. A friend and I went to Six Flags Great America several years ago. Much to our chagrin the park was super crowded - imagine the worst day ever at a Disney park. I don't know what the reason was but we ended up picking the wrong time to go and then some. To make matters worse, the ride operations were terrible, coasters were super slow to load and dispatch and in general everything was moving in slow motion. The only thing in our favor was the weather. It was a nice day. We waited almost a hour and a half for a ride on the park's B&M flyer, and even old rides like Whizzer had lines approaching an hour. I'd say we were only able to get on about half of the rides we wanted to ride, leaving both of us with some missing credits. That totally soured me on that park big time. I know they can't help how crowded they might get, but they can do things to speed up and improve operations. I am toying with the idea of going back to the park as ACE is having their Coaster Con there next summer. That's about the only way I'd go back to that park is if I can knock out some credits with ERT sessions.

The last one I can think of was more minor, but still disappointing. Several years ago I went to Busch Gardens in Tampa, and the crowds weren't bad and the weather was decent, so I was able to ride pretty much everything I wanted. The only bad thing was the Scorpion was closed for maintenance. Not that it was any great coaster, but being it was a Schwarzkopf it would have been a good credit to have. And unlike Great America and Steel Vengeance, I'll never have another chance at that one. The other thing was on that trip I was coming off of having the flu and I wasn't feeling 100% so that limited how much and how often I felt up to riding coasters.
Today, Tornado at Bakken has failed to open on my visit. The park's quiet enough for me to know that they would absolutely turn on the ride's boost mode if I asked, which is sad, but oh well. It doesn't really sting *that* much as I was concerned that I'd hate it, but would've been nice to say I'd done it.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I got spited both by Tornado and Tivoli's Rutschebahnen when I visited at about this time 2 years ago...