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WTF Merlin?

Been told some very concerning things regarding staffing levels going forth at ATR, all 'service positions' are being axed bar 'essential' ones this mainly effects bay loaders, merge hosts and potentially baggage hosts additionally if they are rota'ing in 'essential' staff they aren't in for the whole shift.
Apparently income isn't matching how much they pay on staffing so are axing it via this, not renewing perm contracts/hiring anymore perm staff & essentially forcing 4 day or less weeks and running on absolute bar minimum. Sure it'll end up biting them eventually
Am I right in assuming that this means they’re getting rid of any “front of house” staff who aren’t absolutely safety critical? So all bayloaders, entrance hosts and such?

That sounds like it could cause problems with operations…
Been told some very concerning things regarding staffing levels going forth at ATR, all 'service positions' are being axed bar 'essential' ones this mainly effects bay loaders, merge hosts and potentially baggage hosts additionally if they are rota'ing in 'essential' staff they aren't in for the whole shift.
Apparently income isn't matching how much they pay on staffing so are axing it via this, not renewing perm contracts/hiring anymore perm staff & essentially forcing 4 day or less weeks and running on absolute bar minimum. Sure it'll end up biting them eventually
Similar to this, I've heard that the entertainment and entertainment staffing budget is being dramatically slashed from next season. Not a good sign going forward.
In the months and years ahead, we will continue to make significant investments
to elevate the quality and presentation of our estate and deliver even better
guest experiences.
Developing the Merlin ‘masterbrand’ will grow our reputation on the world
stage, underscoring the quality and confidence of our attractions, and help
attract brilliantly talented people to Merlin.
Page 7 of Merlin's current annual report
If that's true (which to be honest, I don't doubt) it will VERY quickly bite them.

It'll kill throughputs stone dead (I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they suggest this to a couple of the Type 1 ops) and job satisfaction will drop still further, which frankly I didn't believe possible. Very short sighted.