I dont know if the head story is true or not but I think the ride must have done at least 30 miles an hour and if hitting the sharp edge of a wooden beam at that sort of speed I think a head could easily be decapitated.
According to the claimed former ride operator, ( I believe him to be genuine from the detail he supplied) the boy was playing a game of "chicken" ducking up and down to just miss the cross beams and got caught out.
The cars were single 4 seater cars, 2 front seats 2 rear, (I remember that) instead of the usual train and the end of the ride was not called the station but the "Turnstile"
Apparently the car ended stopped at the "Turnstile" with the boys head in the girls lap. I would guess if I was the ride operator who had to deal with that situation I would remember every detail for ever and a day too.
It is possible also (although the operator does not mention this ) that the boys death could have been hushed up or rather given very little publicity to not effect the tourist trade and the ride quietly taken down and never mentioned of again.Remember this would have been 1958 according to him and 1962/3 according to me and the health and safety rules and access to the media were not what they are now.
The date discrepancy could be the death and when the ride was taken down to

r he (or me) could just have got the dates wrong.
As I would have been a baby in 58 though I think it is more likely he is wrong with the dismantling date.
However, it remains to be seen if this is all true or not and I wish now I had never mentioned the "head" as it can be seen to weaken the story.
Hopefully we will all know soon.
As soon as I finished this post another letter came in the post this morning from a lady who said she rode the figure 8 for the first and last time in 1962.(She is sure of the year)
No other useful info but more evidence that the ride could not have been dismantled in 1958. (unless it was rebuilt again with added safety features and taken down again 4 or 5 years later which is unlikely as surely the former ride operator would have known that and mentioned it)
Second update 24/01/09
I have written back to the "operator" to thank him for his letter as I have done with the others but also to ask him about the 1958 date and what happened after the "accident".Also when was the ride built and was it 1946/7/8 or 1932/3.
Some of the detail he has already supplied to me I didnt know but some I did (the single 4 seater cars for example) so that`s why I believe he was a former ride operator....As for the "head", who knows!
I hope he writes back.
Update 25/01/09
I will be going to Weston in two weeks time as my wife and 4 year old daughter have just bought tickets to see "Lazy Town Live" in Bristol and I`m going to drop them off and shoot on down the M5 to the museum there.(I`ve been looking for an excuse to go as it is a fairly long drive from Salisbury)
I know what you are thinking too...52 this year with a 4 year old but I`m a young version...ask misspink.
Anyway,I have emailed the museum in Weston twice on this subject to see if they have any info,once recently and once about a year ago and both times they didnt reply.Now that could mean they dont or it could mean they dont tell you what their exhibits are as they want you to pay to see them actually at the museum.
I have heard they have a Grand Pier display but it might just be about the fire.
But,NASHER, you live in Weston. Any chance you could go before then as two weeks seems a long way off to get the info?
You could ask a member of staff,especially any older ones if they remember the ride even if there is no info or exhibits.(That`s what I`m going to do)
I`m still going to go anyway as I`m not seeing Lazy Town so it`s not to save me a journey,just to get any info quicker.
Final update 25/01/09
Misspink apparently isn`t very happy about me posting on this forum. So as not to embarrass her further I`m signing off.
Bye all