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What is your irrational fear?

Venom2053 said:
Ian said:
Celine Dion

LOL how does a Canadian Pop star scare you?
Have you heard her sing? I fear for my ear drums.

"Baby th-ii-nk t-wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ce" *shudders*

I hate any female "diva" who warbles (melisma). It's awful and pointless and makes my ears bleed.
Ian said:

Toad chins are more common with mega fat people, but I'd hate myself if the space between my chin and neck looked like that.

I completely disagree Ian. For many years I had a distinct space between my chin and neck. It's so disheartening finding clothes that fit properly and when you look in the mirror and see the lack of flesh, it's such a massive knock on your self esteem. I'd walk down the street seeing business men in shirts that have collars fitting snugly under their chins, ties that didn't look lost in the wilderness. The envy is unreal.

I tried everything to increase my neck girth. Chin boosting collars, tissue paper padding, but it's obvious when you take it off, there's just nothing there.

I eventually went in for neck enhancements. It was a lot and I'm still paying off the debt the surgery put me into, but I can walk around topless now with the warm, comforting feeling of flesh on flesh. Fellow professionals nod flabbily at me now, I'm up to a 17-DD collar and my self-esteem has sky-rocketed. I'm even considering growing a beard with an ambiguous shaving point.

Certainly one of the best body enhancements anyone should consider... Though obviously there's a slight fear of flying now.
Actually, I'm developing a not so irrational fear of MySql and "Page is not available" errors :p
^ Already been through this before -_-

Heights are not an irrational fear, it is a normal thing to be afraid of heights.
My two main fears are sudden loud noises (phonophobia) and static shocks. So I can get quite nervous about the fire alarm in my room and I'm always slightly on edge whenever I have to touch anything metallic.
^Don't go to Las Vegas then. I think there's something in the carpets or something there but every time I wandered around a casino, if I went to a staircase with a metal handrail I'd get a static shock off it! It was like I was charging myself up while walking around.

Carrefour shopping trolleys (in France) always give me static shocks too. God knows why it's so specific to those.
^Oh my god the static shock thing in Vegas! I totally forgot about that until now, it's SO annoying! Literally everywhere we went.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Haha, it must just be them intentionally shocking the Brits <3

By stopping for the National Anthem or honouring the armed forces? ;)
Spiders, yeah. Its completely irrational, because I know they're not going to kill me or anything, but i'd probably rather kill myself than be in a room with anything of a decent size.

I shared a pub with a Tarantula once, proper bricked it for 10 minutes or so, even though it wasn't visible and I was hiding by the dartboard...
Arranged marriage- I'm the only single one left in my family. :(

Children- my niece's and nephew's are little ****, who squeal on me all the time. :twisted:
I have a couple of irrational fears.

Firstly Adams apples. I hate the look of them, and the way they move. Mostly only on skinny people who have large ones that stick out grossly. Along the same line, I hate mine being touched, it makes me feel really claustrophobic when it is. I can't stand seeing peoples throats getting slit open either, for the same reason, I can never watch Sweeney Todd ever again <///3

Another is tomatoes. But its not really a fear.. its more that I find them hideously disgusting and they make me want to retch. On the outside its fine, its the insides that gross me out:



Also, waking up in the morning and having to spit out my teeth because they have all fallen out terrifies me. I hope it never ever happens.
I forgot about one of my biggest ones. Ever since grade ten when my first boyfriend had his wisdom teeth out, I've been TERRIFIED of the holes it leaves in your mouth. I wouldn't kiss him for weeks after he got in done. A lot of people at my work have been getting theirs out too, and my friend said he got hamburger meat stuck in one of the holes and I nearly puked. I hate them, I think they're ATROCIOUS and they really keep me from getting mine out even though they've really been hurting me lately. I've had a major surgery ages ago and wasn't nearly as scared for that as I am for the potential extraction of my wisdom teeth :p .