I've probably said this a few dozen times, but across the sites over the years.
I much
much prefer the drop on Oblivion to Griffon's. I just didn't seem to feel any of the rush on Griffon at all I get from Oblivion.
It could be partly because I'm trapped with a memory of when Oblivion really scared me, but I don't think it's just that. I think that the tunnel adds so much. It seems odd that by removing the "height" (remember, Oblivion is something like 120 feet under ground) with the hole, it makes it more intimidating, but it does.
With Griffon, you can see the track curving away. Don't get me wrong Griffon is very high and you feel really exposed (particularly on the edges), but... With the vertical section being just 60-80 feet (or whatever it is) and then you being able to see the pull out in the smooth way it does it, it removes some of the fear element. Oblivion is "VERTICAL" (in your mind), Griffon "has a big drop". It's very subtle.
I also love the way that you get the complete change in atmosphere when you ride Oblivion. It goes from light to dark and warm to cold (particularly effective in the summer) at the same time the floater changes to positive-g. It assails your senses, the whole thing is psychological and playing on your perceptions.
So it's a brilliant bit of ride design which really works... For the 8 seconds it's happening.
That's great, because the ride finishes while you're still on a high. You then get the brake run stacking and the adrenaline is pumping and you feel it's been a real blast. I find the same with Stealth, it's "a buzz".
You lose that with the larger Dive Machines, because they carry on. So by the brake run, you're over the rush from the drop.
Griffon is a better "coaster". It gives some lovely airtime on the drops. The inversions are really nice and it's an excellent coaster. Oblivion is just a drop.
It's kind of like asking how Detonator at Thorpe compares with PMBO. While the drop on PMBO is good, Detonators is better (IMO), but that doesn't detract from the fact PMBO has a great drop and is followed by an - albeit lame - coaster layout. PMBO is the better coaster