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What exactly does being "basic" mean?

Bat Fastard

Hyper Poster
I'm talking about when you apply it to roller coasters, creds, trips, etc. I see it thrown around a lot on here, what would you say it means to be "basic?" Is it the amount (or lack) of travel you do? Is it how many (or little) creds you've been on? Is it if you've ever gone to parks outside of your own nation? I always thought being "basic" meant not traveling larger, considerable distances (maybe even overseas) to get creds.
Batfastard14 said:
Is it the amount (or lack) of travel you do? Is it how many (or little) creds you've been on? Is it if you've ever gone to parks outside of your own nation? I always thought being "basic" meant not traveling larger, considerable distances (maybe even overseas) to get creds.
Yes. Pretty much all of those. :lol:

Much in the same way you'd say someone had a basic knowledge of history, it's used to mean you've got a basic experience of coasters.

On here, I would usually use it more for members who haven't travelled that far to get creds, rather than those with a low coaster count - although they're probably linked slightly. For example, as Europeans we'll quite often say the US members who haven't left the US are basic because they haven't travelled to any other parks.

I do use the term outside of coasters though, in much the same sense. I don't think it's unique to coasters.
Hixee said:
Batfastard14 said:
Is it the amount (or lack) of travel you do? Is it how many (or little) creds you've been on? Is it if you've ever gone to parks outside of your own nation? I always thought being "basic" meant not traveling larger, considerable distances (maybe even overseas) to get creds.
Yes. Pretty much all of those. :lol:

Much in the same way you'd say someone had a basic knowledge of history, it's used to mean you've got a basic experience of coasters.

On here, I would usually use it more for members who haven't travelled that far to get creds, rather than those with a low coaster count - although they're probably linked slightly. For example, as Europeans we'll quite often say the US members who haven't left the US are basic because they haven't travelled to any other parks.

I do use the term outside of coasters though, in much the same sense. I don't think it's unique to coasters.
That's what I thought. I know it's not unique to coasters, I was just wanting to know what makes you "basic" when it relates to coasters, not everything in general.
Yeah, I think it's a relatively woolly term, which you just sort of pick up... :lol:

You're basically right though.
Essentially, it's a word used by insecure enthusiasts who need to boast about a cred count to feel good about themselves because they're socially incompetent scumbags.

If you see someone actually use it in serious contexts they're probably a miserable excuse for a human being.
Jarrett said:
...because they're socially incompetent scumbags.
LOL. **** hell Jarrett... Pot, kettle, black.

You had a rant at someone that wished you a Happy Birthday - you're hardly one to comment on social boundaries.
Re: What exactly does being "basic" mean?

Jarrett said:
Essentially, it's a word used by insecure enthusiasts who need to boast about a cred count to feel good about themselves because they're socially incompetent scumbags.

If you see someone actually use it in serious contexts they're probably a miserable excuse for a human being.

Hmm, sounds like something somebody basic would say...

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It differs really, but it's not having the coasters you should for where you live.

Say, for example, if you were on the autism spectrum and lived in America and hadn't even broken 200 creds before you met a girl who you're too afraid to even finger so you spend your time freaking out at people on the Internet, you're basic.
Quick nip of the bud here before it blooms.

I use basic as a jolly term to describe somebody who hasn't, or won't, travel outside of their comfort zone to visit theme parks, or have only experienced a narrow field of rides/parks. Such as those who go week in week out to big chain parks but don't plan to change it.

It's in jest, though, as not everybody has the means to do so.
Re: What exactly does being "basic" mean?

Someone with no ambition to do anything outside of their comfort zone, and who lacks any originality and follows the crowd.
That's my definition, both in terms of coasters and the general sense of the word. Not that I see anything wrong with it though. If that's the way someone wants to be, then fine.
Most enthusiasts are basic in some way, Ben's usual line is the Asia creds, so I'm pretty basic as I haven't been there yet.
On the other hand I've ridden Wildfire, hardly anyone else has yet, so ya'll are pretty basic.
If you haven't met Ron Weasley and are currently in Shanghai, basic.

If you've been an enthusiast for at least a few years and haven't even left your own country then that's extremely basic, even if you live in the States, there's a shed load of great coasters in other continents. Ditto Europeans.

forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.
"certain basic rules must be obeyed"
synonyms: fundamental, essential, primary, principal, cardinal, elementary, elemental, quintessential, intrinsic, central, pivotal, critical, key, focal;

having the properties of a base, or containing a base; having a pH greater than 7.

the essential facts or principles of a subject or skill.
"learning the basics of the business"

I think that answers your question.
Basic Bitch here.

Agreed with everyone else's perception of the word however i'd like to add that its not an offensive term. I get called basic because i haven't been on CF too long and don't have many creds, I accept this because its TRUE. As much as i like coasters i enjoy other holidays too and havent been too keen on the idea of planning trips on my own as i hate the idea of relying on public transport (im too young to hire a car abroad).

That said i haven't even visited the majority of parks in the UK, yet have the majority of Italy and will soon have the majority of Sweden and the Netherlands.

Its merely an observation by other people not an opinion, judgement or insult. If you take insult to a mere observation then you should stop caring about what others think and enjoy your hobby. Maybe even aim to prove the observers wrong by travelling a bit more.
^ Yeah I wanted to point out that it's not really an offensive term really, I call some of my friends on here basic even though I love them still :P

But yah just to reiterate what everyone else has said, it's not really going out of your way to get creds or too far from home. Not everyone can go around the world based on time off work and budget issues, but still, when you have a way to do it and you just don't, you're basic. Like, my coaster count isn't that high because I have gone on European trips and not gone to parks while I was in many of the countries, but I have still tried to go on large scale cred trips and get creds overseas. Driving 6 hours for a kiddie cred though? Never.

Of course Jarrett would freak out ugh.
Lack of effort rather than lack of ability. Simple.

Going to the same places over and over again when it wouldn't take much extra effort to try somewhere new.

No initiative to get s**t done and/or relying on other people to arrange stuff for you.
It's all relative.
I used to post on an Alton Towers forum, and in that company I was considered a bit of a theme park Don. An uber-goon. Not only had I been to most major UK parks, but I'd been to American parks too, ones that weren't in Orlando. ("Aw man, you been to a Six Flags? You iz well bad innit!") I'd also been to 2, yes 2! European parks that weren't Disneyland Paris. I even had a 3 figure coaster-count! Wow!
Oh yes, I was cool. Big fish in a little pond...
And that was 10 years ago.
But since joining the somewhat more global CoasterForce community about 2 years ago I've come to realise just how 'basic' I am in the grand scheme of things. I mean, even counting what I've notched up since the TowersTimes days (Canada, few more US parks, couple more European ones, several 'bucket-list' coasters), compared to some of you lot I'm PROPER basic. 42 years old and haven't even cracked 200 creds yet? Pfffft. Pathetic. Dedicated goons can and often do collect my entire cred count in a single trip!

But it matters not. I'm happy where I am, I feel very lucky to have done the travelling that I have, and I shall continue to gather creds and become less basic at a pace that I can afford.
Amongst friends it's not offensive, but on here it is used to have a dig at times.

But yeah, it's about lack of effort and ambition.
gavin said:
Lack of effort rather than lack of ability. Simple.

Going to the same places over and over again when it wouldn't take much extra effort to try somewhere new.

No initiative to get s**t done and/or relying on other people to arrange stuff for you.

This. Some people refer to those who haven't traveled over seas in the USA when your own country spans a continent and is cheaper to go around than going overseas (as I'm finding out). :D