There are odd things about it.
Terrorists crashed two jumbo jets into two of the biggest buildings ever constructed and a third into one of the world's most secured buildings. It's an incredibly unusual event, and nothing has happened like it before or since. Therefore there are bound to be odd things, as it's never happened before.
Hell, there are enough horrific and interesting things that the US has actually done, without the need to make up things they didn't do.
A good example would be in the 50's. The people of Guatamala democratically elected a left-wing president, who decided to take land owned but not used by the American United Fruit Company and their representatives in the country, and give it to the extremely poor population to grow food on for themselves. In 1945 2.2% of the countries population owned 70% of the land but only 12% was being used.
The president also enacted many other social reforms, strengthening the rights of United Fruit workers to form unions. The United Fruit company complained to the CIA, and they started working together on a coup to overthrow the democratic government. The CIA used their muscle to arm and support a violent thug named Armas who overthrew the government and established a military dictatorship.
He banned political parties, reversed the land reforms, and formed a death squad at the advice of the CIA, hunting down and murdering left wing intellectuals and trade unionists. For four decades, right-wing dictators ruled Guatamala and between 140,000 to 250,000 Guatemalans were killed.
All of that is completely true and well-known about. The CIA did the same in Chile in the 1970's and installed Pinochet, who tortured around 35,000 people and killed thousands. The atrocities the United States actually has committed are far worse and more interesting than any hogwash conspiracy bullsh*t.