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Unnamed B&M Hyper Coaster (Work in Progress Need Feedbac


Mega Poster
Haven't posted here in a while, most of my completed rides are on NLexchange under the same username. This next ride that will eventually be posted on there I want to have a better quality, so I know I can count on you guys to tear my ride apart :--D also any name suggestions would be great!

heres a pic of the first drop, I based the supports off of Behemoth

Overbanked curve after the first drop

Still more terraforming to do, the concept of the ride is similar to the Beast in that the ride keeps getting faster after each drop.

Everything here is still a work in progress so let me know what needs improvement, colors are not final either.


Mega Poster
OK since nobody seems to be commenting I'll upload a few more pictures

Heres a segment of the second half of the ride. By the way the train hits the two bunny hops at about 45-50mph

I need a little help with this section, too many laterals and i'm having problems coming up with how to end the ride

And here is an overhead shot, when it is done this will be both the longest and fastest B&M Coaster in the world.


Staff member
Social Media Team
I'm not really sold by this to be honest. I'll try to give you a few pointers though:

-Firstly, the overbank might be a little too overbanked. You want to make sure all the forces are in check and that there are few laterals, that's the point of overbanks. I can't see how that turn wouldn't throw up some laterals.
-Secondly, you don't seem to use the height very well. You barely have any airtime hills (which is what the B&M Hypers are all about really) and you seem to have some really small elements, especially towards the end.

Something just doesn't look right with this...


Strata Poster
I agree with Hixee, maybe it would be better suited as an Intamin hyper. Most B&M hypers are about large element, low lats, and floater airtime.


Roller Poster
If it hits those two bunny hops at 45-50mph, it'd probably have some dangerous g-forces, wouldn't it? I also agree that it needs some bigger airtime hills. On the upside, it looks pretty smooth.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize this thread was so old. :p