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Uncle Arly's Development Thread

Re: Amphion & Zethus B&M Floorless//Inverted Dueller.

This looks absolutely wicked!

I personally like the shared lift. Looks really fab. <3

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Re: Amphion & Zethus B&M Floorless//Inverted Dueller.

You may notice a previous unfinished coaster might just have popped up into this park...

Re: Mount Olympus - Uncle Arly's Park.

Wow! That looks magnificent!
Re: Mount Olympus - Uncle Arly's Park.

That looks like one hell of a final helix! ;)
Re: Mount Olympus - Uncle Arly's Park.

That last picture is great. I'm really looking forward to seeing this when it's complete.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

Pacing need to be improved. It dies over some of those hills and the MCBR technically isn't really a MCBR as it doesn't have the ability to completely stop the train.

You could also probably ditch all of those trims, which might be causing the pacing problems.

Just to add.. the ride is wonderful in all other aspects. I failed to mention that in my original post.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

Basically seconding what Snoo has stated.

Other than that, the ride itself is fab, and the surrounding area looks amazing.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

Same on what Snoo said on the pacing. Though the coaster itself was awesome! I love the drop tower right next to the lift! I could just imagine people cheering at each other from each ride.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

To add to what has been said, I personally am not a fan of how the first turn unbanks slightly at its apex. On a positive note, the ride is very smooth and has a nice mix of elements. I'm looking forward to downloading the park.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

I'm going to be annoying, and just say that I agree with the others so far.

You have got the knack of a smooth transition down though, and I cannot find any fault there. Just the pacing left a little to be desired this time.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

I assume it's the trimming on the second hill that people aren't liking? The first hill seems fine to me, but do say if you feel otherwise.
Re: Mount Olympus - B&M Giga POV Posted

I think all of them tbh. The pacing over that first hill is about on pace and that trim SHOULDN'T effect it too much. Thats all on your end of course, watch those G's.

The rest should go as well. It's also debatable if you even need the MCBR at all as it just kills the ending which was already slow as is. You could just glide it into the final brakes and finish the ride as long as the blocking is fine.