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UK Riots

Re: London Riots

Antinos said:
I feel like a dick for doing this, but somebody had to post it:


But in all seriousness, this sounds very bad. My thoughts and prayers go out for all those affected and I hope all the British CFers are safe. It's interesting hearing a lot of members saying how the event makes them disgusted to live where they do, and I feel the same way about the US at times. Things like this make me think if we're really making progress when it comes to social issues. It really is a shame and I hope it gets better soon.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Re: London Riots

It's so pathetic. Basically, people with no ambitions, no prospects and nothing to actually LIVE for are rioting and spoiling business's that people have saved their whole lives to make and are successful human beings.

Shoot the **** I say.
Re: London Riots

Apprently Liverpool's had some trouble too. They've actually warned people not to go down Smithdown Road, which is where I was living less than a year ago!
Re: London Riots

All football in the capital is being called off...

So West Ham, Palace, Charlton and England are all not happening...
Re: London Riots

The way we live now probably isn't helping things, I mean the mindless thugs that are cuasing all this will probably be able to claim compensation from burns and broken glass... I'd hate to be a policmen right now, bet they dont know which way to turn, and as soon as they touch someone, they'll loose their job.

Here's a thought, WATERCANNONS! Yes! I would pay to watch that...
Re: London Riots

I can't believe how far its escalated over the past few days. I just hope they get hold of this because it could end up spreading all over the London area.

They need to send the PSNI in. They deal with stuff like this all the time so they would have better knowledge of how to sort it out.
Re: London Riots

Emmett, it is already spread right across London.

Interestingly, Nick Clegg predicted this over a year ago.

Re: London Riots


To be fair, during the general election even Marc and I said we expected riots etc within 18 months of the conservatives getting into power. Whether there is a direct link on that is arguable of course. But nevertheless, it has happened...

I just wish people would stop suggesting that we essentially fight violence with violence... Tis blatantly not the way forward. A friend of mine put it perfectly on Facebook

We cant just ignore human rights when they become incovienient to uphold. I am not defending what these idiots are doing, and we have to do something to regain control, but violence doesnt truly solve anything and would give people more reason to escalate the situation further. Yes its unfair that we have to think of their rights while they ignore ours but its easy to do the right thing when our commitment to the right way of doing things is unchallenged. my thoughts are with the people so badly affected by this situation and with the police trying to regain order. Just remember that the path of anarchy and tyrany is strewn with the laws and rights we walk over because its the easier path.
Re: London Riots

Oh, also, apparently police in Sutton spent much of their time protecting the set of PhoneShop. Reports say they're filming there today.
Re: London Riots

Wimbledon is now in utter chaos due to the riots! Half past one on a Tuesday lunchtime and all the shops in the High Street are closed. Nowhere to buy a bloody sandwich!

Morissons supermarket, Elys department store, and lots of others are boarding up their windows. This is Wimbledon - one of the most affluent areas of West London!!! I think people have gone insane!! A guy I work with is having to find somewhere else to sleep tonight as he lives near Tooting and was kept up all night by sirens! They're talking about suspending the tube now. Work are sending me home early in case the roads close. For **** sake, this is mental!!!
Re: London Riots

There is so much fake stuff being said at the moment.

Romford and Lakeside are open and not on fire.

A lot of places are on high alert for tonight though so tomorrow could be a mess.
Re: London Riots

Apparently it's hit Kingston (where I live) so I'm going home from work now before it gets too bad. Will report back once I'm home :(
Re: London Riots

They are more than doubling the number of police available tonight. The met have said they'll have 16,000 officers available. If it works, it should mean that things should quiet down in a couple of days. If it works.
Re: London Riots

^One problem with beating the **** out of people is that if anyone gets caught up in it who isn't looting then they're going to be injured for no reason. It's possible to use force in some cases where you know everyone is there to cause trouble. That just isn't the case here.
Re: London Riots

Idiots destroying Manchester right now! Annoying C*** with no respect for what they are doing. :x