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Trips in the USA

reddude333 said:
East Coast(er) General said:
CF-Live events are all organized by the management & site team, but a lot of members plan their own meetups which you are more than welcome to do. Posting in the trip planning topic is a good start to see if there is a time & place where you can arrange to meet other members (ones that live in California or want to travel there to visit the parks).

Okay. Sounds fun. So how do these things normally go? Just kinda wondering what it's like usually.

It's some of the best times I normally have during the year. :)
East Coast(er) General said:
Just go to the Trip Planning topic & make a post titled California Parks or something like that. Then let everyone know that you're would like to meet up at one or more of the parks there & for anyone who would be going & is interested in getting together to let you know. Then just see what replies you get & play it from there.
The more you post in the forums & the better everyone here gets to know you, the more likely someone will reply favorably. Keep in mind that Disneyland, Six Flags Magic Mountain & Knotts Berry Farm are all very popular parks & many members (including myself) have made multiple trips to Los Angeles to visit them & they are very high on the lists of parks to visit by members who have not had the opportunity yet. So you never know...

Thanks for the advice. I think I'll make a thread. Maybe plan something for next season...
Ya there's like 5 to 10 of us.

Not trying to advertise another site but.....

Themeparkreview.com is centered in California and has many events.
Yeah but paying an arm and a leg for everything and hanging with many people you aren't familiar with probably doesn't sound so attractive.