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TR:USofA: KD,BGW,KW,Wald,CP,HP,DP,SFGAdv and a Space Shuttle

Re: TR:USofA

No it was all a bit disappointing. The mall was truly awful though (for non zombie related reasons) and the zombie related "attraction" actually closed down a month ago.


(to be fair I didn't even know that there was a zombie-related attraction until 5 minutes before I discovered it had closed down!)

Re: TR:USofA

...and today has been some of this

at this place;

And blimey the streets in Pittsburgh are a complete nightmare, how on Earth I managed to make my way around here 10 years ago without SatNav is a wonder.
Re: TR:USofA

..and today I started off with some lovely Ravine Flyer action;

(that ^ one not being the especially lovely one, but #2 was rather good)

Then after a bit of a drive, I ended up at the next hotel, where it was in the middle of a thunderstorm.


(Spectacular view from my stupidly expensive room huh? Can just about make out Raptor and Corkscrew. Never mind its all about the location!)

The rain started to stop after I'd been there an hour, so at 8:30 I nipped into the park and spend the rest of the evening riding that there Gatekeeper. Which was nice.
Re: TR:USofA

No pics today, too busy playing on the coasters from park open to close (9am-10pm). Millennium Force a few times last thing at night in the dark; very nice.

Back in tomorrow*, will take a camera this time. :)


* - e.g.
Re: TR:USofA

Right, moving on... bit of a drive yesterday put me in a position to spend today playing on stuff like this;

Re: TR:USofA

Your trip is looking a bit like mine next month, I have Cedar Point, Kennywood, Hershey and Dorney on my route, I'm predicting your next stop after Dorney will be the same as mine, SFGAdv?
Re: TR:USofA

Well my flight home (tomorrow :( ) is out of Washington Dulles, so my final park today could well have been SFAmerica...

...but of course it was not.

Nice collection of car park coasters.

(ugly clouds all afternoon, so no good pics from here I think)
Re: TR:USofA - Now with actual "R" elements

Right so been back home for a little bit now, so can actually do a little bit of "R"
for my recent "T"...


So back to the beginning we go; been sort-of thinking about this trip for a month or two,
I felt that I was missing out on a couple of interesting big rides that had been built
along the East Coast of the US in the last few years and then CP decide to build a big
B&M too so I worked up a big loop itinerary that took all the sights in and booked a

Saturday 25/5: Travel

So flights were easy, MAN to Dulles on this ;


But then we get to annoyance #1 - Dulles airport. What a silly place that is - you get off
the plane, walk a while then they herd you into these "mobile lounges" which are kinda
big buses on hyraulic platforms - these are the things that they use to transfer you
between terminals in lieue of you actually being able to WALK between terminals or take
a sensible form of airport transport (like a tram sort of thing).


So you sit around for about 15 minutes waiting for the stupid thing to fill up and then
eventually it moves off.


Of course its really slow moving and just generally an uterally ridiculous mass-people
moving transit system. T'internet appears to suggest that they were originally intended
to attach to the plane itself; what kind of extended transit torture that would be.


Anyway rant over : for more details see here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_lounge

So get to car hire place (via a shuttle bus this time) and spend a while convincing
the clerk that I don't need an upgrade to a mid-size car thank you very much and get
into a nice little compact that looks OK.

Now the trouble starts ; I've driven in the US a lot of the years, so I have no worries
about car hire. Usually when I pick up a car I drive off and then 2 miles down the
road I figure that the seat isn't set right so start to fiddle with it. So this time
as I'm checking the car out I think "oh yes, now don't forget to set the seat properly
BEFORE you set off this time"... so there I am fiddling with the seat buttons when there
is a big THUD. Turns out when fiddling I had put the car in 'Drive' then decided to
fiddle with the seat - hence the car drove off when I was not paying any attention.


So the car had driven forward about 4 yards into the side of a brand-new (so new it
had not got a license plate) car parked side on opposite me. Big scratch on my car
and the passenger door caved in on the other one.


So I wander back into the car hire place and they look at me a little funny; "what are
you doing back here?" sort of thing. After much hilarity on their part of me telling
my sorry tale, and much form-filling (fully covered insurance, so that was lucky) they
give me another car (yes the brand new mid-size one they were trying to upgrade me to
for $$$ about 1/2 hour earlier).


Anyway drama over after that ; drive an hour or so South and hole up in a somewhat ugly
off-the-interstate hotel for the night.
Re: TR:USofA - Now with actual "R" elements

Sunday 26/5: Kings Dominion

Its been 9 years since I've been here. We've lost Hypersonic and had a park-chain change
in that time. I was interested in coming back here mainly because of i305 - rather like
them big intamins.


Today being a weekend, a holiday weekend (Memorial Day weekend) and free entry to any
Military-day, I had bought myself fast-lane for the day ($70) - first time I have ever
shelled out for this sort of thing!

They have themed-up for military day it seems;


He's a tall man;



So obviously full of goonythusiam I rush off to Intimidator305 straight off for a few
rides - no need for the Fast-lane at all it seems for this ride/this time of day!



First ride, front row and off we go...

So yeah I did rather like this - great lift & drop, tons of speed, greying out on
the big hill. The second half of the ride there is a really noticable trim but if
you don't let that bother you the second half is still all full of speed and twisty


Use the fast-lane next door on Flight of Fear even though there is no Q for that either.

FoF seemed to be running well I thought - great confusing indoor rush - better than
RocknRoller? Maybe, maybe not - still good fun though.

Next up is Volcano, now suddenly after two walk-on rides I find where the people are,
they are all lined up in the Volcano Q! Clearly the ops on this being so slow you
gotta rush to this on opening!


But my fast-lane gets me past the majority of the Q and I only wait say 10 mins (but
note later in the day I saw the fast-lane Q completely full (all the way back to the
gift shop through which you exit the ride/enter the fast-lane Q) and when I did re-ride
even later in the day I still waited maybe 20 minutes in the fast-Q (peeps in the
stand-by Q were saying they were wating over 2 hours!) OK so my $70 was paying off now.


I spend the rest of the morning working my way around the park, fast-lane working
hugely to my benefit on Dominator (which is new since my last visit of course, but I
had ridden Batman-Knight-Flight back at Worlds of Adventure so not a new ride to me).


Still, even though its not new it is still really good!

Even with my fast-lane thing I am denied a few rides (OK so I did not try for the
kiddie-credit and the junior-woody (which did not have fast-Q). And Ricochet was
down most of the day (but, apart from the kiddie-credit, I had ridden these before).

The only other +1 for me was the Back Lot Stunt Coaster - I've been on the other 2
of these so there was no novelty to me ; think that the cars are less mini-looking than
the others (or is that de-licensing across the board?) and the effects were really
toned down on this version (or again, could be age, cost, apathy?).


For some reason I could recall nothing about Grizzly from the first time I visited here,
so I made a bit of a point of paying more attention to this ride, and strangely for a
rough old woody I rather enjoyed it!



After a while I've "done" the park ride-wise, so grab camera from the car and indulge
my other hobby for a while - very few pics from this trip have been processed yet so
I'm sure I'll be digging versions of these out for a while on the photo-thread!









Ended up having a pretty full day there - I remember last time leaving mid-afternoon
because of the heat/feeling ill, but I don't leave until ~8pm so must have had a
good time. The park gets a lot of stick on CF for some reason, but from both my
visits I really like it ; loadsa coasters (some good ones, some meh but still 14!).
Sure there are better parks and better rides, but its still a good place for me!


Re: TR:USofA - Now with actual "R" - #1 KINGS DOMINION

Monday 27/5: Colonial Williamsburg

So today's theme park is a 'park' with a real 'theme' (and none of that silly amusement
park shenanigans to distract from said 'theme'). I had a couple of reasons to spend the
day here today; firstly I had only driven past the end of the 'historical district' on
my previous visit to the area and had always thought if I came back I'd have a proper
looksee; secondly today was Memorial Day and I didn't relish the idea of visiting an
'amusement park' on a national holiday.

All in all it was worth doing I think, had a nice enough day wandering around the
somewhat idealised recreations (some buildings were authentic, some just rebuilt "in the
style of") of Colonial times.

You start off the day in a visitor centre on the edge of the olde-town, ditch your car,
get your ticket (not particularly cheap ~$40 I seem to recall) and then wander into
the historic district through some woods. (You don't have to do it this way, the
historic district is just part of the town and is open to all - its just that this is
the day-tourist way of doing it).

Almost the first thing I see is a themed rubbish bin and knowing how we do like them on
CF I took you a picture of it;

George Washington railing against the British for some reason;

The Governor's Palace;

Its a sign;

These pre-1800 Union Jack* flags outside a building indicated that it was a "sight" on the
themed-tour. (* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_jack if you want to understand why there
is no diagonal red lines on the flag);

Armoury (which I think was my favourite building);

Gunpowder stacked up therein;

Pub sign;

'Cast Members' at work;

Rebuilt Capitol;

All very clean and fake feeling;

Guided tours were good though;


Not that night's hotel;

Another pub;

Starbucks (a Colonial coffee-house)?

More costumed characters;

The big show - something to do with Mrs Washington coming to town;


The only ride in the park... I didn't.

So yeah, was a nice enough way to spend the day, took lots of pics and generally had
a cool time.


Thus almost ends any semblance of 'culture' in this trip report - got a cool museum to
come at the end but the rest of this will all be theme-park junk! :-)
Re: TR:USofA Now with actual "R" - KINGS DOMINION, WILLIAMSB

Tuesday 28/5: Busch Gardens Williamsburg

So obviously after being in Williamsburg yesterday, its off to Busch Gardens today.
Again a while since I've been here and they have had the good grace to install two big
rides since then (but remove one good one in the Big Bad Wolf :-( ).

I decide to split the day in two ; "do" the park without taking a camera and then when
"done" wander around taking snaps. This plan seems to work OK so you'll find I do this
on all the other parks on this trip too.

Yep this really looks like England to me;

And this amused me for some reason;

The place isn't particularly busy, and I get on the first Loch Ness Monster train of
the day - its feeling very dated these days, but is still fun enough and interesting. The
loops over the river valley are still very nice to look at.

And B&M's rather splendid Alpengeist (walk-on all day) is also very pretty and great fun;

BBW is of course replaced by Verbolten (here running without any punters!).

So I did enjoy this new ride, and they have certainly put a LOT of effort into it with
Disney-level themeing all around. I just thought that the ride itself was not up to
that much. Slow ops as well ; my first rides they had 3 trains cycling and quite a long
(3/4 hr) Q), later in the day they had 5 trains on and a much shorter Q but they were still
stacking all 5 trains more often than not).

My first hire car did not look quite this bad after my first 4 yard journey!

The ride itself is a little roll around to a launch (which is good), a indoors dark-ride
section ending in a vertical crop (which I thought was not as good as Th13teen's - I felt
it was shorter and not as scary as Alton's). You roll forward out of the drop and onto
a second launch that takes you up to the old BBW final drop bit that is the best bit
of the ride.

So yes - very good, well made, crowd pleaser, fun - just not quite the sum of its parts I guess.

(and heres a pic I took from the same place 9 years ago of BBW just for comparison


Now I really like Apollo's Chariot, but its a pain to take pics of

And aren't these franchised to a Universal? (Actually after this I saw a lot of these
guys at Cedar Fair parks too, so I guess not!)

The drop tower was quite fun - it appears to be much derided for being slow, but I like
that, gives you time to enjoy the view!

I may have +1'd the Grover coaster.

Now the other real new-to-me big ride is Griffon. Which is great of course, enjoyed it
a lot, more than I enjoyed its sister ride in Tampa but I have no idea why are they not
exact clones?

And unlike the other coasters here, there is ample photo-spots for this thing;

My favourite here is still Alpengeist though; great stuff;

I wander the park for quite a while, stocking up on pictures until closedown.

Wasn't too impressed by this (which they were building last time I was here) - the film
quality was rather poor (getting old?) but the building and ride mechanics were good.

I did have a pretzel (very good), but not a beer (driving) - best pretzel of the trip.


So a great day at one of the world's premier parks I think! :--D

(An obviously manipulated last picture - 5 separate images)

(and some HDR 'cos there isn't enough in this thread yet)
Re: TR:USofA Now with actual "R" - KINGS DOMINION, WILLIAMSB

Wednesday 29/5: Zombies?

So today was really just a travel day ; had a rather boring ~6 hour car trip to negotiate
in order to get me somewhere near the next park (Kennywood). Wasn't really sure whether
I would stop somewhere random en-route or just in Pittsburgh at the end of the trip so I
had not booked a hotel.

Having stopped for a spot of lunch 1/2 way through my drive I picked up one of those
Hotel-Coupon books that are common on the US interstates and spotted a few hotels in
Monroeville which I knew was a suburb of Pittsburgh and I knew had a geeky zombie movie
related connection (the original Dawn of the Dead being shot here) - right, decision made!

Made it to Monroeville by the end of the afternoon and checked into a coupon-hotel (was OK
actually and much cheaper on the coupon than even internet rates) and headed off to
the Monroeville Mall for a looksee. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroeville_Mall )

The entrance bit is obviously post-zombie and gives a really false impression of the
place since this bit looks OK and relatively nice.... this is the only bit though.


The mall itself was actually awful, horrible, dated, ugly, no redeeming features
whatsoever (now the zombies have gone).





Rather disappointingly* there used to be a zombie/movie related store here, but in a fit
of perfect mis-timing it appeared to have closed down about a month earlier;


* - As I said earlier in the thread, I didn't know that there was such a thing, but now I do,
I feel sad.

I think this is where it was;


And here is an attraction for Tom/Joey who seem to like this sort of thing.



OK clearly all that has no relevance to theme-parks and can hardly be argued as adding
to any local-culture discussions so we'll move on now....

Thursday 30/5: Kennywood

It had been 10 years since my only previous visit here. The last time I remember having
an OK time and being a little "charmed" by this somewhat idiosyncratic place.

Did the same trick of riding all the rides then picking up the camera later, so the pics
are not really in any order of what I did all day, but nevermind...

NEW for me was their 'Sky Rocket' (rubbish name) which turned out to be quite a fun little
launched ride. Not as good as the Gerstlauer launches I felt, but still nice enough
and a cool little twisty layout.

I had ridden the 'Old Mill' on my earlier visit so I was actually a little interested
in how it had been made-over into an IP-themed attraction (kinda like Blackpool and their
WallaceGromit thing). However I was not to find out, since it was "Sorry, Closed" all
day - a theme I will return to.

Jack Rabbit is good old fun though ; for a ride from 1920 you can't knock it.

And the other ancient woody nearby is good too ; famously one of the few Mobious coasters
(not that that really makes any difference to the experience, maybe you have to ride it
twice to get the "cred" but you would do that anyway on any recing ride?)

I also picked up this which I didn't lower myself to ride last time (first ride of the
day and there was no Q to share my shame with!)

Everyone takes a picture of the pretty fountain here;

Their other old woody (not really as old as the other 2, but older than me still and
there aren't that many rides that are!)

The laterals on this are so strong (and the seats small an undivided) so they don't ever
let people ride alone, so I have to endure the ignominy of the ride-op announcement
that I have no friends and would someone like to ride with me*... the kid who volunteered
was happy enough that he got 2 rides while his mate only got one.

* - OK, they were not that explicit, but thats what they meant.

For some reason I managed to not have a go on this dark ride - I think I thought I had
been on it before, but it turns out that this was a replacement for the one I'd been
on so I should have made the effort. Fail.

I did of course walkthrough this (are you watching Blackpool?)

Returning to the "Sorry, Closed" theme - a lot of this section of the park was not running,
I think they had a power failure but most of the stuff around here was shut.

Ridden this before, but was actually looking forward to having another go (even though its
"just" a spinning mouse in the dark, the fact that its a bit different to "just" a spinning
mouse is to its credit) - but no ; "Sorry, Closed".

The best coaster was running though, so that made me happy. Its a bit unsubtle but packs
a lot of speed as it dives down the hillside.

Nice sign for the nice coaster too

"Sorry, Closed"

See, I told you.

Disko was new to me too, they used to have a top spin that I recall watching where its
ride cycle did not even spin (so the vehicle went around on the arms, but remained level
all the time - something I didn't really understand at the time)

The new-ish ride that they were promoting was this Giant Frisbee (which I did not realise
until just now is a Zamperla ride rather than the similar Mondial ones) - I didn't ride
this out of apathy (and a big Q) - I've ridden a few of the big Mondial ones and they
are OK but don't do a lot for me (they are better than the smalled sized ones though!)

And everyone's trip to Kennywood has to end with this shot - its the rules!

The park was pretty busy for a random Thursday - lots of school trips it seemed which
was annoying (and making several rides closed compounded that) so I actually had a bit
of an irritating time - there were long slow moving Qs to get a drink for example and
that winds me up more than a big coaster Q ; slow service when all you want is a Coke
should not happen!

So rather than being "charmed" by this place, I looked on its its faults - its in a
horrible location on the side of a hill, the car park is awful and on the other side of
a main road, the whole place is borderline seedy and definitely rundown in lots of areas,
the staff were uninterested, bored and slow (on a busy day) and to be honest I was happy
to get out of there.

Shame, the place does look very nice in night time photos; perhaps the darkness hides a lot?
Re: TR:USofA Now with actual "R" - KingsDom., BGW, Kennywood

After Kennywood I didn't have a hotel booked, so I was either going to stay in Pittsburgh
or somewhere en-route Northwards. Since I didn't hang around in Kennywood I fought my
way through the late afternoon traffic across Pittsburgh (said traffic being particularity
"urgh") and headed all the way North to Erie where I get another coupon-hotel.

Next day is the only new-to-me park on the trip and so I was a little intrigued about
how this would turn out...

Friday 31/5: Waldameer

After a lazy start to the day I'm here.

This place is pretty similar to Kennywood I think ; "traditional" (i.e. a bit tacky) and
a similar feel to the rides and midway-stuff.

However I have a MUCH nicer time here than yesterday - the setting for the park is much
nicer for a start; on a lake rather than over some ugly industrial works.

Place has a fairly take old wooden coaster;

And the usual flat ride line up;

And oddly lots of these sort of statues all over the place;

But clearly what I am really here for is this;

Which is SUPERB.

Its really good, has lots of airtime, tons of speed, great first drop, excellent finish.

For its size (not particularly big) probably the best woody I've ridden (maybe the bigger
ones like Toro/Voyage are better but are much bigger). Great stuff.

This is apparently a "classic" (read "tacky" and a bit "rubbish") ride - but at least
the frontage was well maintained, if the ride itself (just a silly dark ride) was a bit

Another "classic". A walkthrough - the kid in front of me was in tears and could barely
walk, so obviously I just wandered past and left him to it.

One more reasonable ride - a Maurer spinner like Spinball/Crush etc, but with a stupid
name ("Steel Dragon" - this is no Dragon!) and really slow ops (they were running just
2 cars with a fairly full Q for a while).

The sky ride gave a nice overview of the park (which is pretty small to be honest) - but
the ride takes you nowhere, just back to where you started.

But at least they let me ride the skyride on my own - ALL the Ferris wheels that I encounter
(most of which I have ridden alone before) have fascist "no single rider / no photography"
rules nowadays for some stupid reason. I refuse to get myself wound up by this stupid rules
and just ignore the existence of any big wheel for the duration of my trip. :-(

Here is one of the stupid things anyway.

(I did +1 the kiddie ride though)

A flattering selfie c/o some wacky mirrors

The other stupid thing here is that the whole park is "cash-less" - I wonder did they
have issues with their employees stealing stuff, because it certainly isn't for any
punter's convenience. You either have to use a plastic credit/debit card for everything
(which I did, so it was no problem to me) or buy a Wally-card that you charge up with credit.


So despite these mini-rants, I rather enjoyed this place. Its half the size of Kennywood
but I had twice the fun!


The place only being small means I leave in plenty of time to get across Cleveland
(despite some stupid traffic jams in the city itself - not sure if blindly trusting my
sat nav to take me that way rather than skirting the outskirts of the placae was the
best idea) to my next destination.

However en-route, the weather starts to play up. All week there had been reports of
evil tornadoes and weather across the mid-west and the very edge of the storm system
was where I was headed. So by the time I get to Cedar Point for the night it is a full
on black skies and heavy rain :-(


Which was rather sad and the weather forecasts for the weekend were suggesting that the
evil weather was here to stay. I was not happy.

An hour or so after I had checked in (I was at the Breakers hotel; a plan designed to make my
weekend easy (albeit expensive) which would have been fun if had just rained all the time)
the rain did ease off (but had not stopped). I could see a bit of Raptor and Corskscrew
from my room and I spotted a train moving on the latter - thats enough for me so I
leg it into the park around 830.

There was a little Q for GateKeeper at this time (whilst approaching CP earlier there
was just a steam of traffic leaving, and the hotel receptionist had implied it had been
raining heavily for a while - so I had rather expected the place to be empty) and it was
still raining in the Q (but the ride was running). Maybe 15 minutes wait and I was on
though (and the rain had stopped by then :-) ).

So I really did like this - so much I just spent the rest of the night until they
shut down sometime after 10 re-riding it. Back row was the best and I thought that
the first twist/drop was better on The Swarm (dunno if I am imagining it but I thought
that Swarm you appear to do the twist-thing first and then drop when on GK you start
the drop while you are still twisting???)

The rest of GK is much better than Thorpe's though (and I do like Swarm) as well as the
ride being much longer, the elements are more fun. Couldn't help but be laughing away to
myself everytime it went through that keyhole but my favourite bit was the hill/roll
before the first keyhole pass.

Yes its not particularly fast or intense but it is pretty spectacular and really fun -
I approve!
Re: TR:USofA : KingsDominion, BGW, Kennywood, Waldameer...

Looks like you took a somewhat similar route to what I just took. I see you got a partial shot of the Bob and Tom themeing in front of Ravine Flyer II.
Re: TR:USofA : KingsDominion, BGW, Kennywood, Waldameer...

If you want a rough idea of the garfield boat ride, just take a normal slow boat ride for a few minutes, and read about half a dozen garfield cartoons on the way.

awful ride.....

I was spited by some large queues too - missed noahs ark and the black widow, and only one go on thunderbolt due to thunderstorms - the no singles thing iis a pain!
Re: TR:USofA : KingsDominion, BGW, Kennywood, Waldameer...

Great trip report so far, looking forward to reading about Hershey, Dorney and SFGAdv!
Re: TR:USofA : KingsDominion, BGW, Kennywood, Waldameer...

Brilliant Dave. Great report as always (always read yours and Gavin's reports right through). Can't believe you trashed the hire car without even leaving the car park :lol: Though it's an excellent way to get an upgrade without paying extra :P

Kennywood always used to appeal to me, not any more :lol: Waldameer though looks like the kind of place I like.
Re: TR:USofA : KingsDominion, BGW, Kennywood, Waldameer...

^ Kennywood and Waldameer are pretty similar ; Waldameer was nicer but Kennywood is bigger so don't
discount it; think I was just in a bit of a bad mood that day!


Saturday 1/6: Cedar Point

So I took no pictures today. I had coughed up for the fast lane ($95) option, and combined
with Hotel Breakers early-entry my plan was just to spend the day "doing" the park. And
I think I did... walked into the park at 9am and out about 10:20pm, and spent the time
between that playing on the toys.

Weather was OK in the end (the previous night's weather forecast was saying thunderstorms
and wind so I was still a little concerned that my weekend at the lake was going to be a
expensive wash-out). It did rain for about an hour in the afternoon which I spent chatting
to a Maverick ride op since I was on the next train out when they shut it down for the
rain, but other than that it was fine enough. Phew!

Since I had "done" GateKeeper the night before, I went straight for Maverick at early
opening, b ut it was not running, so carried on around the park (which is a big trek) to
Millennium Force and got a couple of rides in on that before normal entry happened.
A great ride and I probably appreciated that more this time than I did 10 years ago.

So I just worked my way around the park, used fast lane when I needed to ; Maverick, Raptor
and a couple of GateKeeper rides in the afternoon were the only times I really benefited
from it though - Maverick's queue was over an hour but walk-on with the pass, Raptor
was closed for a lot of the day due to wind so when it did open in the afternoon a big
queue built up (which I could skip), GateKeeper had a full pen and I skipped that a couple
of time just because I could :-). I was surprised that I didn't need to use it on Top Thrill
Dragster though (I waited a number of hours for this thing 10 years ago!) either in the
morning when I rode it a couple of times or in the evening when I had a night ride.

So only GateKeeper and Maverick (and Woodstock Express which I have no idea why I had
not ridden 10 years ago) were new to me ; Maverick I was looking forward to since for
many people it seems to be their favourite ride here - I was a bit disappointed to be honest
though ; not saying it was poor just that it didn't live up to my expectations I think.
Discovered very quickly that unless I braced myself I was going to get whacked in the neck by
the restraints, but the second launch was really good and some of the airtime pops and
twists were really fun. So yeah; good enough, just not wowser-superb-great.

Spent a while chatting to some bloke from Kentucky (after I'd eaten so I was in "rest mode")
watching GK do its stuff (he was too 'proportioned' to fit on the ride and was waiting
for his kids to go on it) he was telling me that the previous day they were at the water
park and he was too cheap to pay for a locker, so they had had all their stuff stolen
off their loungers. Car keys, wallets, phones, hotel keys ; all the stuff you really don't
want to lose - later that day someone bought $80 of chicken on his credit cards from a local
fast food joint. He was taking it all rather well and didn't take offence when I couldn't
stop laughing at his story and had suggested he was a little foolish to have just left
all his stuff in a bag at a water park (it cost him $170 to get a new key for his car).
Moral of that ; don't be cheap with the lockers fool (or don't take stuff to the park
that you can't afford to lose!)

So after spending the day riding 15 different roller coasters (did not get the kiddie-cred)
I was a happy chappy. Thought I'd finish up with a couple of night rides on Millennium Force
which were rather brilliant ; almost pitch dark out on the islands amongst the trees and
stuff out there. And it being the last cycles of the night, the ops of course sent
us around a few extra times for fun. Great way to end a great day! :--D
Re: TR:USofA : KingsDominion, BGW, Kennywood, Waldameer...

Sunday 2/6: Cedar Point

I made up for not taking any pictures yesterday by taking a few today.

(CP's candle shop....!!!! Honestly have I missed a memo or something????)

CP's new coaster?

Weather was more windy today (see flag below), so much that a number of rides were closed for a few
hours, TTD didn't open until late afternoon for example.


I've not played with many pictures yet (all those above are straight off the camera),
but heres a few that I have...

Mean Streak's queue has a long pathway under the wooden structure that I kinda liked...

A wide (5 shots) composite of GateKeeper which looks good full size...

More GK fun...

S'very photogenic...

Some blurring on Raptor (think this is the same shot as above, just processed a bit)...

Some messing around with Raptor...

And some messing around earlier in the day when it was not running due to wind...

My usual shot of a beemer's loop;

Oddly Maverick was a bit of a pain to take pics of I thought

Millennium on its way back;