Strata Poster
Blizzrock said:Why no love for i305 yet?
Because I haven't posted mine

1) Intimidator 305~Kings Dominion
2) Maverick~Cedar Point
3) Diamondback~Kings Island
4) Ravine Flyer 2~Waldameer
5) Griffon~Busch Gardens Williamsburg
6) Beast~KI
7) Apollo's Chariot~BGW
8) Shivering Timbers~Michigan's Adventure
9) Alpengeist~BGW
10) Dominator~KD
11) Goliath~Six Flags over Georgia
12) Magnum XL200~CP
13) Millennium Force~CP
14) Batman: The Ride~Six Flags Great America
15) Great American Scream Machine~SFoG
16) Georgia Scorcher~SFoG
17) Volcano~KD
18) Expedition Everest~Walt Disney World: Animal Kingdom
19) Raptor~CP
20) Flight of Fear~KI
And in case you're wondering, TTD is at 29.