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Thorpe Park Annual Pass Day 13/3/11


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Seeing as I'm first back, I'll kick off the report.

It was hammering down with rain on arrival. I joined the queue for Annual Pass renewals at 09:15. Half an hour later after moving about 20 places, I decided to opt out and do it at lunch time.

Our first port of call was Storm Surge, the new ride.





I think the ride looks temporary and out of place place where it is. Maybe once they've finished doing all the ground work, it will look better.

The queue for it was enormous already, so we took a few photos and headed to Inferno.

First breakdown of the day occurred as we were in the station. There was a problem with the front row restraints. 10 mins later, the ride was operational again.

Aside from the rusty dripping water ruining my "posh" coat (and Thorpe's excellent customer services agreed to pay for the dry cleaning), the ride was superb in the rain. It glided through the track like a hot knife through butter. Really enjoyable ride.

Met up with Ewan and Jack at this point. Good to see Jack again, it's been a long time! Mysterious Sue also arrived.

Stealth was next, which I sat out so I could take a few photos and video. I meet Tim at this point. We wandered around the park snapping away. We bumped into Erol which was a lovely surprise.

At lunch, a few of us tried the kebabs. They were delicious. I really recommend them. Whenever Vadge and I have lunch together, she ends up crying. This was no different - "Cup o' Soup" was the highlight. We also stacked up our kebab boxes which was childish.

Vadge and I tried to renew our Annual Passes at the AP hut, but the queue was still enormous. We then queued fro 30mins inside the dome and got ours there. Again, a long queue. They could have sped it up by asking people to fill out the forms as they queued. However, I now own a Premium Pass. Go me! Oh, and the family in front of us each have a photo of me in the background of their Annual Passes :lol:

We met up again at Storm Surge, which now had a monstrous 90 min queue. We avoid it.

New ride or not, it's not worth a 90 min queue, so we tried out the Saw Alive maze.

I found it rather scary, well jumpy. The content wasn't scary, but the jumping out was. I was leading the group so I must have shat myself about 5 times. It's ok, I guess but not something I'm in any hurry to do again.

Saw had broken down at this point, as had Colossus. Slammer was next up, which I sat out. Willy was pushed by Stone Cold in the bushes much to everybody's amusement. The rain at last had started to relent. Colossus and Saw were operating by the time the others had finished on Slammer.

I'm getting a bit mixed up here, but I think we did Rush. Great ride and one of my top three flat rides in the UK.

A couple of people rode Colossus. Me, Vadge, Willy and Stone Cold minced about instead calling Mysterious Sue's voicemail about 10 times.

We also did X:/No Way Out because Leigh (A-Kid) was opping. I found a mobile phone which I handed in, how honest of me! XNWO had the lights on which was a first for me. I really enjoyed it with the lights on but only for the novelty factor. It's still a turdy coaster.

Finally the group split up. One lot went to ride Stealth, the others did Loggers. I went to guest services to hand in the phone and bitch about my coat.

It was FAR too busy at the park today, I know everybody is excited about the new season and want to get their fix, but the park seemed under prepared. From what I was told, the newly-trained Colossus staff were only running it to half capacity. The staff I did interact with were friendly and polite as usual.

Several of the food shops were shut - Crust, KFC, Fish & Chips, Burger King near Slammer, as were a couple of the smaller outlets. The queue in the Glasshouse/360 bar was out of the door and take a look at this queue for the snack shop near Colossus.

Breakdowns did occur but they were sporadic and not down for long. Samurai was closed for most, if not all, of the day. Tidal Wave wasn't open. Inferno, Colossus, Saw all suffered from temporary breakdowns. I also heard that Storm Surge had broken down but didn't see it with my own eyes.

From what I heard (and yes, it is hearsay), that they were expecting 6,000 today and 10,000 turned up. I think that these events should be pass holders only, no guests. The park was simply too busy and unprepared to cope. The annual pass queue outside at 5pm was still massive.

All in all, it was a good day. I enjoyed the rides I went on and it was great to catch up with fellow CFers. I don't think I'll rush back to Thorpe if it's likely to be that busy again. I enjoy the park more when it's quiet and less stressful.
New for 2011 at Thorpe Park!

The first new addition is outside the park. Shiny new bins!


On entering the dome, the first thing that I noticed was the change of name for the bar. No longer is it “The Glasshouse”, its now:



Leaving the dome and walking down the path, I was stunned by the paintwork on the fence


I was also really interested by the newly painted bollard


Next up was the renovated “Doughnut Shack” in what used to be octopus garden


Opposite, there is this, which is presumably going to be a side show thing, but is currently empty


Then we got REALLY excited when we saw this fence. Oooooh!


Walking further into the park now, and there’s a kebab shop next to Tidal Wave. It’s got a flashing neon sign outside and everything, although sadly I didn’t get a photo of that


As if that wasn’t thrilling enough, there’s new benches next to it!


Some twats had made a sculpture out of their rubbish


The Thorpe Megastore has had a re-fit and a re-paint. Its also got a new sign


The new additions don’t stop there though! Oh no! Behind the teacups, there’s this sexy trellis


More new signs



Just along from Crust, there’s something mysterious going on. We saw this, which is actually one of a pair. OMG! What could they be for?! (also notice the freshly laid turf!)


Finally, they’ve replaced some of the cattle pen fencing outside X:\WTF (No idea who that sexy twat is!)


Oh yeah, apparently there’s some new ride or something at the park too. I didn’t really pay much attention to that though. The amazing fences were far too distracting!


PS. While I’m here, you may be interested to know that there’s live music at Thorpe’s opening day next Sunday, including CF favourite RACHEL ADEDEJI! <3

Well I guess your reports were better than I expected, considering how everyone was saying the park was absolute crap today! I think Storm Surge looks a bit poo and it kind of ruins the purpose of a pass holder day if they let guests in, but hey, you got to go to a theme park with CFers and I didn't, therefore your day was automatically better than mine :p.

Amusing report, Vadge, and nice report Ian.. Are they really paying for your dry cleaning?
I never thought I'd see a ride to make the rest of Thorpe look tasteful. It's like a clown's u-bend. Shamefully I can imagine it being a hoot, however...
Nic I love your report and pictures, actually made me LOL :)

Reading things on Facebook by members of the public it sounds really bad there, people getting covered in rust and wet paint.

I would have loved to have gone to see everyone, but with no pass and going by what other opening days have been like we just could not justify it :(

By GF they should have sorted out the problems lol.
^Those rides aren't really a hoot. They just spin. That's about it tbh.

It looks awful, sounds awful, but, I bet it was still a laugh.

WHY were there no "Vadge ate a kebab" jokes in the reports though... <//3

Much love for Miss Adedeji though <3
I really enjoyed seeing everyone, seeing as I went yesterday wasn't about the rides for me, but sometime queuing does mean you get to have a laugh.
I did have to laugh a poor Ian in the Maze, seeing as I was the one holding his shoulders and him being first in line they tend to pick on you a bit, every time he jumped was very amusing especially whe we first went past the screens, I think I might have been giving him direction occasionally.

Neal it is a pity you glass's had a better ride than you did on Stealth. And sorry if the keys hurt as they hit you, I think you were in that Colossus queue longer than predicted.

Nic Neal has the glass case.

Was really please to see Ewan and Jack, Ewan dragged me off a few times to ride other rides but really enjoyed seeing everybody.

I actually loved Storm Surge having riden it yesterday and Ian you didn't use my quote so I am, if wanting to ride Storm Surge you do get wet and It was like riding Rumba on Acid, you spin so much it does make you feel a little sicky.
Beans said:
Nic Neal has the glass case.
Oh yeah! completely forgot! Ah well, I knew that'd happen. Its not like I haven't got a pile of them in a drawer or anything ;)
You've been pretty kind there Ian, far kinder than what I will be when I take pen to paper (not literally, obviously). In a nutshell, the park and staff were overwhelmed in many ways and they have not done their maintenance and pre-opening checks adequately.

Still worth an 8-hour round trip after three hours sleep though!
I enjoyed today.

Thorpe were diabolical, I'd say the park was ALMOST as bad as Saw's "opening" day, but thankfully it still takes a lot to sink that low. The queue to get in was ridiculous and badly organised, the staff seemed totally unprepared for the huge crowds today. One of the biggest problems was the food places, a large majority were closed and the ones that were open had silly waits. I think everyone who went to the Bush BBQ (haha) got pretty lucky really as I don't recall having to wait that long for food. (Which was actually very nice.)

The weather being undesirable and being rained on by Inferno gunk at the beginning of the day wasn't a great start but luckily things picked up from there.

The company without doubt made the day, it would truly have been a terrible day for getting high ride counts but there was an excellent balance between rides and general group fun. Although we constantly complained about EVERYTHING I had a good time and I'm glad I went. (Thanks go to Neal for convincing me to go. xD)

Big thanks to everyone who was there and for Nic for giving us a lift to and from Staines station in the Vadge Wagon, thus avoiding the dreaded chav bus. :)

Oh and Storm Surge looks ****. (Saw Alive however was surprisingly not terrible.)
slappy mcguire said:
It's like a clown's u-bend.

Basically a bad day at Thorpe Krap but a fabulous day with CF. Forget how much I laugh around you lot!

Highlights of the day included:
Cup-O-Soup (the Irish Cup-a-soup)
Fraser's hair on Stealth
Meeting Ewan and his red bulge
New kebab outlet and the dog poo koftas (which actually tasted rather good)
xie noie wayie outie

Lowlights of the day:
X:WTF being turned into a sewer with brown mud
Trying to sleep on X:WTF and hurting my head
An hour queue for Annual Pass: The Ride
Not riding ****e Storm Drain (it's new and I'd still liked to have given it a go if the queue had not been outrageous)
The queue for food,
the queue for a refillable cup which I abandoned,
basically just queues everywhere...

I'm not sure that allowing guests in was a huge problem, there were never huge queues at the guest ticket booths. I think just too many people have annual passes now

Ohh and you bastards! Do you know how long it took me to delete all those messages?! :twisted:
It was a joke, but all the problems where caused by epic crowds and inexperienced staff and they aren't really things I feel fair to complaint about. You can't moan about Thorpe Park pulling off an exceptionally popular deal, but I can't quite work out what guests OR staff expected? That they were the only ones bringing 2 friends each to the event that any annual pass holder requiring renewal with any sense attended?

I expected worse annual pass queue faffery. In past years it's just BROKEN completely and there were less staff to deal with the crowds. It was an improvement on that part.

It was possibly one of the worst days I've had at Thorpe, but nothing compared to Feb 07 I don't think, when despite being empty NOTHING was open except Stealth, rides were still in pieces and it was ****ing freezing.
Not sure where to put this so I'll put it here.

Thorpe have published an apology on their Facebook page.

THORPE PARK Official said:
We are very sorry to anyone who came to the Park yesterday (Sunday 13th March 2011) and didn’t have the day out they were expecting.

Our Annual Pass holders are incredibly important to us and we put the event on as an additional benefit to give exclusive access to the Park before we open up for the full season. This year’s event saw unprecedented numbers turn up to experience the new ride and the Park’s first day of the season, so much so, that the final numbers were four times more than that for the Annual Pass event last year.

We are instigating a full investigation and will re-assess how Annual Pass events are held moving forward to ensure we are delivering an enjoyable experience.
Nic said:
I was also really interested by the newly painted bollard


It wouldn't touch the sides m'dear...

Nic said:
(No idea who that sexy twat is!)

That'll be Stone Cold ;)


Thanks Nic and Ian. I think a balanced set of reports all in all... Well, one balanced and one completely unbalanced :lol:

I think generally it kind of sets the scene for CF meets. Yes, the park is pants, but we don't care because we can still have a good time as a group.

The day sounded better than a lot of days I've been to Thorpe, so it is getting better. Personally, past experience means I just don't make the effort with Thorpe. If I had, then I wouldn't have been shocked. I know what to expect, and if I was stupid enough to go yesterday, then I just get what I deserve... That's probably a bad attitude and a poor opinion of Thorpe that they shouldn't have (like, as a business they shouldn't have), but that's just the way it is and it's a bit sucky, but who cares as long as you had fun?
It was a good day out, but 90% of that was due to the company.

I expected queues and breakdowns so I'm not too miffed, but I am disappointed that they appeared unprepared.

I do understand why some people were pissed off. I've been to Thorpe loads of times so I'm not too concerned about knocking up a high ride count, although it is nice to do so - so I'm not too disappointed.