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The Vulcan


Roller Poster

Manufacturer: B&M
Height: 177 ft.
Drop: 203 ft.
Air Time: 15 seconds
Ride Time: 1:04 seconds
Max Speed: 67 MPH
Excitement: 7.16
Intensity: 4.93
Nausea: 2.53

This is my first coaster to use CS. I am still practicing, and I know that there are some problems with it. All suggestions welcome! I have a POV to show (However, it didn't record with sound.) , but I have no pictures. I tried to take some wiht CTRl+PrtSc and Alt+PrtSc and it still did not work. I don't know what the problem is.
(click to play)
Yeah that's not too bad tbh, I like how for the most part the ride is very smooth and the transitions between elements are smooth also.
Kata, look up the B&M Coaster Add-Ons scenery packs and maybe Aged Footers (I believe it is Webers Aged Footers) as well.

Both can be found at the CS Depot.

You need to join to download a massive amount of stuff, but you can download one to two items or so (time limit between each download allowed). I suggest joining as they have a LOT of CSO, CTR and CFR.

That is if you aren't apart of it already >_>

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