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The ^ < V game


Strata Poster
^ how'd ya know WOW! he a psycic, i wanna get a job at hot topic though

<is mad cause he's not in britian and can't go to thorpe for the live

V is also mad for the same


Mega Poster
^ I'm British, but live too far away to go *grrr*
< wishes she could go to the live
V is going to the live


Giga Poster
^ Hah! I stayed up all night last night doing coursework. No joke, all night not a wink of sleep.

< Has now done coursework fully for two subjects out of four

V Isn't even at college/school so doesn't have these worries!

The Claw

Hyper Poster
^ Would wish he made a better prediction.
< Doesn't know if I should go to golf today.
v Will tell me if I should or not.


Hyper Poster
^ Not in perticular, no
< One of maybe 10 or so members that doesn't want to ride Stealth one bit
v will know why