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The ^ < V game


Hyper Poster
^ No..... What is that

< I am very tired becuase I was wokemn up and then got up at 8am :evil:

v Is also tired


Giga Poster
^Yuhp, had to do a 1hour Paper round.
<Is staring out of the window
vShall be staring out the window also.

The Claw

Hyper Poster
^ You kidding?!
< Is in a pickle of a situation between two people.
v Will like deep fried chicken that hasn't been deep fried.


Hyper Poster
^ Never tried it

< Is pissed off because my best friend is asleep but won't let me leave because she was up all night with her girlfriend....normal

V Is happy! I actually have had a good day n all


Giga Poster
^ yep! 'cause on Saturday I began with my new job as ride op at Tibidabo (Barcelona's Amusement Park).

< Has headache and needs to take an aspirin xD

V Hasn't got a fcuk in the last 6 months (cheeky one)


Mega Poster
^ Hmm, think I will choose to ignore that one!
< Is tired and bored and thinks her luck cant get any worse
v Has had some good luck recently

The Claw

Hyper Poster
^ Nah Dreamworld fan!
< Is amazed that I posted after Hales in this topic and not the other way around.
v Will be amazed at english muffins.


Hyper Poster
^ What are english muffins?

< Is getting so peed off not knowing about weather she has a job or not!

V Will already have a job that they love and have done for ages?!


Hyper Poster
^Erm....I've done it for a few months, it's alright but nothing to brag about

< Is loosing two thirds of my work because our place isn't busy enough on the nights I work :( unlucky

V Doesn't work and has very kind parents

The Claw

Hyper Poster
^ I don't work but I want a job though and my parents are Ok.
< Is amazed at that Hales does not know what english muffins are, therefore I will post a picture of them:

v Will know what they are.


Mega Poster
^^ I live in the UK, and I've never seen a muffin like that.

^ Hmm, I kinda want breakfast. Not too hungry though.

< Can't believe G'n'R are playing download.

v Also can't believe?


^mmhmm.. I thought they split aages ago.

< Has ha dthe topic come up with no posts exist.. for many months.

V Havng the same problem?

The Claw

Hyper Poster
^ Hmmm sometimes on the "Rate the person's Personal Message" topic but only on the last page.
< Has grown my liking for Gorillaz again.
v Likes Gorillaz.


Hyper Poster
^ Not really ... :?

< Is chuffed she has finally moved her bed :D

V Will have recently rearranged their bedroom.


Giga Poster
^ No... since december! LOL

< Is currently working in Tibidabo - Barcelona's Amusement Park :p

v Likes Confessions on a Dancefloor (Madonna's latest album)