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The ^ < V game



^ I don't like you in that way Erol...:rolleyes:

< Is going to be watching Palace on TV tomorrow...

\/ His/her team won at football (English/American) today...


Hyper Poster
^ Nope got beat 1-0 at home and are now at the bottom of the table (Dunfermline)
< Is tired
V will be pretty tired too


^ Never watched it...

< Will be watching Brighton vs. Palace on tv later...

V Will be also watching a football match today...


Mega Poster
^ sat and watched match of the day if that counts?
< Is absolutley freezing and slowly turning into an ice cube
v Is also turning into an ice cube


Hyper Poster
^ your kidding me!

< Really should start on a booooooooring Jane Eyre essay but doesnt want to.

V Will also have a boring essay to do?


^ Nah, did it last night :p

< Is in college currently

\/ Will be also? If not would like to be :p


Hyper Poster
^ Not this year and I dont wanna go to college next year but meh

< Is freeeeeeeeeezing cold and doing an essay on Thorpe Park lol

V Will have also studied a theme park in one of their lessons.


Strata Poster
^ Not far off actually.
< Has used CF for his IT assesment and is also using CF/CFLives for his cultural studies assignment.
V Thinks Mark needs to get out more!


Hyper Poster
^ Thinks Mark should only get out more if he wants too!

< Just fell down the stairs and is now in agony!

V Will have fallen down the stairs recently


Mega Poster
^ cant hear much as my ears are blocked from my cold, so there would be no point.
< Has a cold comming on, just in time for the cold weather to make it worse
v Is in good health

The Claw

Hyper Poster
^ Depends. What month were you born in?
< Hates school and can't wait for summer holidays.
v Same as above (except you'll be waiting a little while he he!).


Hyper Poster
^True, but Christmas is only 35 Days Away!
<Doesn't want to go to ICT but has to otherwise doesn't get to go to Disneyland
*points down* Knows where the down arrow is on a keyboard!