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The ^ < V game

^Nah, slept til 10 today and just basically did nothing
<Is pissed the Saints are losing
vWill wonder what I actually did today...
^Nah. I'm quite content talking to kids on AIM and watching the Saints
<Actually played in a 32 person $20 buy-in poker tournament today. First to lose in it, but won $30 on the day overall.
vWill be watching the Saints win!
^ well launch coasters are not my cup of tea.....................
< is excited for 6/2/07
V has a special day coming up.
^ I just woke up from the most boring class EVER. Economics SUCK!
< Has to go to practice soon... and lift... and work... damnit
v Tough schedule today also
^Hell no. Sit around and do nothing
<Just fell victim to the new 5 second post rule although I spent well over 5 seconds typing!
vWill hate this new feature