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The ^ < V game


Strata Poster
^i wanna move out of the US ASAP, maybe to the UK

< LIstening to The Dead Kennedys

V Has No Idea Who The Dead Kennedys are


Strata Poster
^ Was so wrong lol, in fact I think you killed the game Claw :p
< Is a bit pissed
V will hopefully post after me and resurrect this game, as some of the **** game sthat have been attempted lately make me cringe


Strata Poster
^ Needs to sing 'i feel pretty' to calm his anger problems :p
< Is soon to be off to bed, as he has ****ing ****ty sixth form tomorrow
V Should really try hard to be funny :p


^Knows the score and cares.
<Is feeling guiltyy after he made a friend miserable.
V Make me laugh and I'll kiss you next time I see you.


Giga Poster
^ Yes, but not much later though as I have work tomorrow

< Doesn't want to go to work tomorrow

V Has absolutely **** all to do tomorrow