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The ^ < V game

^ Maybe :?

< Is trying to get herself looking half decent for a leavers ball tonight

V Will be staying at home tonight?
^ Yeah, nothing interesting... Have fun at the ball! :D
< My Maths teacher made a chocolate cake- just for us! Now this was surprising...just did not expect that- it's just not..Anyway, it was DELICOUS- and geometrically correct..:roll:
v Has also had teachers offer lovely...surprises..
^We had phallic shaped Marshmallows from the German teacher.

<Is among those who should be revising

VKnows ^ won't happen
^ Meh, you never know.. miricles happen :P

< Is going to the airport in 45 minutes, and won't be heard of for a week!

v Is jealous
^I sure Am especially Now Ka And maybe El Toro are open You git!
<has just finished playing RCT2.
V Is about to go and Play any RCT?
^I sure do!
<Has just ate a big Pizza
V Also had Pizza for dinner today?-Or will have.
^Nope I just had A pizza lol.
<Still hasnt gotton over that Pizza.
V Doesnt like pizza?
^Uh..sure..So a round plate with er, lots of ice cream on..
< Just watched 'Jarhead' with la famille. Yeah, we're patient and borrowed it on DVD lol...Was good! Not too political, but just a story of a troop's life, with a good balance of comedy and the 'dark side' of reality, true events etc. Heh, love the soundtracks in that film!
v Recently watched a good movie..current or old..
^forgot to say something about me [/idiot]

<is thinking aoubt cheese

Vis also thinking aoubt cheese