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The ^ < V game

^ Ummmm define that ...

< Is fed up with comparing Thorpe Park Marketing to a Racecourses!

V Will be doing GCSE's...
^ Depends on your definition of doing. Yes i maybe teaching GCSE IT to a select few, if that counts.

< Bored at Teacher(Staff) Training Day

V Will not be in one of my IT Lessons.
^ Erm...obviously not!

< Goes to London tomorrow to go on Stealth! (Plus Chessington and the rest of Thorpe while I'm there for a few days)

V Has already been on Stealth
^ Yeah but I've only got 53 minutes left of it!
< Will define what I said before here.
v Will want more out of their relationship and I mean anything in general: more dates, more spooning, better sax, etc.
^Well, if you go to thorpe then NO!

< The thorpe Dougnuts smell nice but they turmn out to be expensive and not as good as you thought.

V Is bored!
^ It's 3AM. Why would I be bored? :-D

< wonders if the person below knows the person down the hatch is called Desmond.

v is pissed off becuase I ruined lost for them?
/\Nooooooo.....!!!!!!! You BASTARD!!!!!!
< Is going to hang self
\/Is also going to heang self
^ No why would I? I haven't really watch T.V ever since reality T.V became the biggest thing...
< Has a shameful love life.
v At least has some decency in theirs.
^ Nope... only ever really been in love with one girl... and I'm not with her.

< Had a History test today

V Will be doing some sort of exams in the summer
^ No but I really do want to after I have heard so much about it.
< Feels like a cheeseburger wrapped in a bacon sandwich.
v Will have no idea what that means (neither do I he he!).
^ wtf !
< Is about to go to School
v Doesn't go to Secondary (High) School anymore.