There was jelly, but it had gone manky, so had to be thrown out. Anyway...
Yeah, sorry to have neglected the end of this.
On the Thursday, I made spag bol, but forgot to take any pics. It involved mince, onion, tinned toms, herbs, tom puree and spaghetti.
On Friday, it all went downhill. As I said, I had a friend staying with me for the week, so I've got a good excuse. He bought me a chinese takeaway to say thanks and, well, it would've been rude to refuse! hehe! He also bought some bread...
Sat we had spaghetti on toast for Breakfast. I then went out on the piss, and had a KFC on the way home. In my defense, I was VERY drunk.
Sun night, I made storecupboard veg curry. Again, no pics

It consisted of frozen mixed veg, a tin of potatoes, a jar of sauce, some rice and a naan bread out the freezer. It wasn't very nice if I'm honest.
Monday's lunch was a sandwich, then I had the rest of the curry for dinner.
At some point I also made a spicy couscous salad with some frozen peppers, plain couscous and a ton of spices. Too many spices. This did me a couple of day's lunch, and a big part of one night's dinner this week.
I finally gave in on monday night and went and did a big shop. And I mean BIG. This should now be enough to last me aaaaaages. I plan on not doing any more proper food shopping (bread, milk, cider and maybe bananas don't count) for a few weeks. I've been good all this week, yet have hardly made a dent in it. Probably going to do a beef stew tomorrow. With REAL vegetables and everything!