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^^Actually not a bad game plus you can get it in Game stores for 9.99 in the second hand section (shamles advertising) lol I got a very very cheep (8 quid) Copy of COD4 on the ps3 from work and have to say even though im not a first person shooter fan its not bad and some of the sections are really intense with gunfire coming from every direction. I wouldnt say a fav of mine at the moment, Thats taken by NO MORE HEROES at this time but all in all not a bad game
im currently putting a HELL of a lot of time into scarface on the wii at the moment.

its better than i expected it to be.
Richie said:

You want to have a look at this Richie. ;)

(Plus no-one is a bigger Tomb Raider fan than me. :p )


^P.S it's a link. ;)
Just to try and get Kimhari on the right track, so he'll eventually give in and admit his founding in classic gaming needs a rethink :p

I give you a selection of the best 8 bit games - remade for this millennium - and absolutely free.

If you don't like these games, you're a little dead on the inside!

First up is Head Over Heels. You play as Head, and Heels. They are a crime fighting duo out to save their planet. Heels does the footwork, and Head the high stuff. First of all you must escape from prison, and then join together. You have to alternate between the two characters to solve the puzzles. Once you're together, you have the speed of Heels and the jumping ability of Head. Look out for the Prince Charles Dalek's and the incredibly cute rabbits :)

Next we have a superb remake of Spy Hunter. Okay, so the Peter Gunn theme is missing, but the game plays much better than the original ever did. It's a great way to while away ten minutes. Highway Pursuit is just plain fun.
http://www.retrospec.sgn.net/game-overv ... waypursuit

The third offering is a very bizzare platform game - Zub. Originally a £2.99 Mastertronic hit, and the first game to use the extended Spectrum 128K +2 sound chip.. You just have to get to the top of the level on the platforms... Over ten levels :)

Next is a very odd game - Wizzball. You play a ball, who has to collect colours to paint the world. It's a tough nut to crack to be honest, and probably the one most people will have problems with. Once you actually get it though, the game is sublime.
http://www.retrospec.sgn.net/game-overv ... nk=wizball

Then saving the best until last. This, for me, was probably the game of the 80's. When this baby came along, people stood up and took notice. The gameplay is perfectly paced. The puzzles hectic and manic. The controls work a treat. Again, it used the extended Spectrum +2 sound chip, so was also a delight to the ears :)
I give you Exolon:
http://www.retrospec.sgn.net/game-overv ... ink=exolon

It's worth trawling the site for some of the other great remakes. Some I spent a fair amount of time with, but couldn't care about them now. Look out for the lovely Geoff Minter stuff :D
I finally played Burnout Paradise last night. Absolutely amazing. Watching the slow-mo of cars crashing has so much detail in it you think Tarantino took over Pixar and your watching the result. Its such a crazy-awesome game, the music is sweet and helps you get in the mood for racing down some random street and end up smashing it accidently into a bollard. Its very different to all the other car games I've played too, such a new experience. Woopage for Paradise...Next, pluging my eyetoy in and going online :D
I don't know what game to get next. ARRGGHHH!

Army of Two - Want this but not untill I get another controller so can play it in co-op.

Uncharted - Also want but having recently played Tomb Raider can hang on a little longer while I play a different style of game.

Oblivion/ The Darkness double pack - A very temting offer. Two amazing games for £50.

Burnout Paridise - All my friends seem to be playing it and I sort of liked the demo.

Arrrggghhhh I can't choose. :shock:
kimahri said:
First it's kimAHri

Third its Jeff :p

Yes, because you're the ideal person to be lecturing about mistakes :p

kimahri said:
Second I prefer the 16 it era.

Wizzball and Exolon both appeared on the Amiga and ST. SPy Hunter was a 16 bit console. Head over Heels is one of the best games ever and now in 32 bit - which means it's an 8 bit game, on a 32 bit platform, so it averages out to 16 bit.

Once again, you're making excuses NOT to play some of the best retro games ever, while at the same time flying the banner for such obvious choices like Walker (at best it was 'alright') and Lemmings, which everyone has to like because it's some law :p
^ Ah well :D

Now I need a game rec, um...

I maybe getting call of duty 4 soon

And when I get a new comp I plan on getting CS:S and UT3 for it
I liked cod4..

But probs best not to ask me for a game rec - looking at your tastes it looks like you like fps games (and as a general rule of thumb - they bore the pants off me)
COD4 just got the new feature patch today, also sorted out some connectivity issues, and some hacks because people found out how to hack into it :( but they're all fixed :D for now...

Guitar Hero - On Tour (for the DS).

I don't know whether to laugh, cry or cream in my pants :lol: I suspect the centre option...
[random]I got Sonic Rush Advernture for Christmas... And I still haven't played it.

The only game I play... proper regularly, is Burnout 3.[/random]
One word - 'pain'

Go and buy it from the Playstation store right now. Best fiver you'll spend this month!
^^^^You beat me to it lol i just got PAIN to its a cool game and lots to do for a fiver exelent in multiplayer playin horse lol and the mime smash is funny
Right i've downloaded it and have given all modes a go.

And it is excellent value for £5. It's a brand new game design so it's fresh.
It looks good visually, and plays really well.

Well worth getting. :D

Just found this on the BBC website which is rather interesting. :p
