I just read Ollie's post, and can't but help to comment :lol:
I'll put forward a couple of questions.
1. You have two vehicles. One has a 1000cc engine, the other a 200cc engine. which is the fastest vehicle?
2. You have 6 pint coke bottles filled with water, and 3 pint glasses filled with water. When turned upside down, which will drain of water the quickest?
1. The 200cc vehicle is faster, because it's a motorbike, and designed for speed. The 1000cc vehicle is a truck, and designed for haulage.
2. The pint glasses will empty quicker, and you will be able to refill the glasses and empty them again in the time it takes the 6 coke bottles to empty.
The point? Numbers don't mean anything. There's much more to making something fast than having a bigger 'engine'.
Want proof? Have a PS3 and 360 side by side, and load Dirt. The 360 version will load Dirt faster (yet the drive is slower? How does that work? Oh, it's those numbers misleading you again). The game will look identical (the PS3 can't keep up 1080 frame rates, so most games actually only run in 720). Amazing considering everything that makes the PS3 twice as fast and twice as powerful