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The Games we play...

I don't think anyone will give a sh!+, but Gears Of War 3 is DOPE!
12+ hour campaign that rocks (with 4 player co-op), Hoard is fV)king ridiculously awesome & Beast mode is a riot!
You might think it's just more of the same (which it is), but it's tweaked to the hilt.
Might as well comment on Space Marine...

You get to hit cockney aliens with a giant thunderous hammer... Now if THAT doesn't interest you then you have no soul!

Though I think, the majority of people who will get the most out of this are the Warhammer fans (*waves*), but it is certainly a satisfying (and tricky) game to get through...

Multiplayer seems quite fun as well so far... Whilst the game isn't anything special or unique, I've enjoyed it...

Come on Jerry, you should know by now that the people on CF are too cool to like anything that's popular - even if it is epically good. ;)

Four more sleeps until Ico/SOTC... I'm wet with excitement :)

Benin, Space Marine is essentially Gears of War, only released at the worst time possible and not as good :P
Jerry. You saying something is dope is incredibly, awkward...You ARE the embarresing parent that tries to be cool.


I other news I got 2 games.

Deadly premonition. Yet to play it but **** will be so cash.

Gunstar heroes. So much **** fun
furie said:
Benin, Space Marine is essentially Gears of War, only released at the worst time possible and not as good :P

But it's daft... And I approve of daft things... Especially daft British things :P

Yes it's only average, but I want another one... Considering it's Relic's first FPS as well, it's a good attempt at it...

Plus, it's not Gears of War... Which I didn't enjoy the first one... Sooooo that's that :p
It's a 3rd person shooter though, with big marines with big guns shooting down swarms of green aliens whilst making their way through a hellish dystopian landscape. It's the Warhammer world, yes, but it's Gears at heart.

I thought it was alright to be honest, but a bit repetitive. Good effort and all that :)
FIFA 12 has been dispatched.....but my xbox decided to break on Monday! Arrgh! The console has just broke, no red ring etc. Gets sorted on Friday when my dad is back from Edinburgh
If you want to shoot things, buy a 360, it's where the actual good shooters are :P
Re: Re: The Games we play...

furie said:
If you want to shoot things, buy a 360, it's where the actual good shooters are :P


Don't speak with that blashphemous tone! All the good shooters stick to something far better ;)


Switching between the hideouts'...
Mmmm, Elitism.

Trip to local GAME store again. Managed to bad A Boy and His Blob on Wii. any game with a button dedicated to giving the Blob a hug is isntant win. Also preordered Dark Souls... Still not got passed stage 1 on Demon Souls yet....
Went to the football tonight and there was a Battlefield 3 BETA lorry allowing gamers to have a go at the new game. So without thinking and finishing my burger me and my mate rushed in to have a go. They made us watch a trailer first, and then let us loose on the game. Shame it was the PS3 version, took a bit of time to get used to this (really sensitive analog sticks!) and soon was immersed in the game, it looks fantastic and feels good. The graphics are so so so smooth and runs well. Didn't get a chance to test the Frostbite 2 engine as was limited to what I had to do.
But I'm very impressed in how it's going to shape up.
kimahri said:
Mmmm, Elitism.

Trip to local GAME store again. Managed to bad A Boy and His Blob on Wii. any game with a button dedicated to giving the Blob a hug is isntant win.

It was Elissa's idea... ;)

Child of Eden - it has been dispatched! Why no Ico/SOTC??? WHY?????????

Intricks said:
furie said:
If you want to shoot things, buy a 360, it's where the actual good shooters are :P


Don't speak with that blashphemous tone! All the good shooters stick to something far better ;)


How's that WASD working out for you playing Gears of War and Resistance 3? ;) Works for me on the PS3, as you can use a USB K/B and Mouse with most FPS on the system, plus everything you can get on the PC is probably there on the PS3 too... :P
^ Wouldnt know, my gaming comp is down, but Ive always bitched how the controls felt different between a PC and Console release (Modern Warfare for instance).

I play console FPS, but I prefer PC as you have better accuracy, more control, and I trully hate using a joystick to move my charavter around when WASD and my mouse work perfectly fine for all games. I'm a beast at L4D/2 on the PC, I am only moderate on the 360.

Then again, I prefer my good ole RPG to FPS anyday, and those work on either platform of choice really. Still though, FPS should be played on a PC for best experience overall (including the chatting as well).

Switching between the hideouts'...
Yes, but it's still no use for games that are only available on the consoles, whereas most PC games are available on a cheap console - get used to the pad, because it's much cheaper :P

I don't care, I dislike FPS games, but when I have played them and enjoyed them, it's been either on the PC, or using a K/B and Mouse on the PS3. I suck with a controller... Actually, I suck anyway, but I really suck with a controller :lol:
furie said:
Child of Eden - it has been dispatched! Why no Ico/SOTC??? WHY?????????

I'm still waiting on dispatches for ICO (from Zavvi) and Child of Eden (from Play), but FIFA is on it's way (from The Hut). xD
I'm sorry to hear about that Lain, if you're lucky, Fifa may get lost in the post :P