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The Games we play...

Just ordered the limited edition of BlazBlue cause it was cheaper. I like stuff like this.

Now I have to wait till Mushihime Sama Futari is back instock and I'll have my purple!

Edit: Also preordered Black ops. If i want to shoot the 13 year olds I have to keep up with them. Of course I do have my own limits.
OK, next exclusive for my new PS3 was Uncharted...


What is the fuss about it? It's bad Prince of Persia wanabee platforming with bad Gears of War wanabee gun play...

And SO repetitive. Shoot, cover, shoot, cover... The same enemies the WHOLE game.

Then, the last hour really picks up with the creatures and the story actually goes somewhere. Then it ends.

Had it all had the variety of the last hour, it would have been great. But, as it was, bland firefights with a story that's shallower than a puddle.
I so want to reply, but I know it would just be a completely lost cause :lol:

Really made me laugh though, such an ignorant moo faced old haddock! :)
Transformers was short lived fun. Really simple stuff. Walk down corridor, open door, shoot other Transformers, move down next corridor, repeat until huge boss...

It's simple stuff and there's nothing at any point which really stands out, but it's superb fun while it lasts. It's cheesy, shooty and has all the right noises. I think single player took between 8 and 10 hours to complete. So not worth £40, but if you see it in a bargain bin and love Transformers, pick it up :)

Anyway, finally got around to picking up Red Dead Redemption. Wow! Everything GTA IV should have been. It's fresh, well structured, gorgeous, plays brilliantly and is just incredibly, incredibly good. Everything is pretty much spot on... Only it doesn't have helicopters, which is a shame; all free roaming games should have helicopters even if they're set in the wild west :)

Sadly, it's one of those games "everyone should own".
^Red Dead Redemption is AWESOME.

Sadly, I just can't finish long games, so I've still not finished it. My attention span for games is limited to about 10 hours, so afterwards I just fail.

Still haven't finished GTA4... But that's more because it sucks.
I'm the same Ben, I tend to spend all my time sidetracked and just "mucking about". Then never finish the main game. Just Cause 2 I'm the same... Only that's heaps of fun :)

I've never finished a GTA game, I always just end up losing interest. Still, they're great fun (except for GTA IV) just to play anyway.
Haha, I've got Just Cause 2 to start today, I LOVED the demo, so I'm excited xD

Also, for anyone that likes games, there's a show that Charlie Brooker did on games, Gameswipe, on iPlayer at the moment, it's FUNNY. It's only a repeat of something that was on last September, but, if you missed it... That man should do a regular gaming show...
Mafia 2 was pretty rubbish.

Finally got a copy of Rock Band 2 yesterday (birthday present). It's just not readily available over here, so it's taken a while to find a copy for under £30. It's great having a whole host of new songs to add to my already pretty extensive collection.

The improvements to the interface make a huge difference compared to the original, though I already knew what to expect after playing Lego Rock Band (which I completed a couple of weeks ago, hence why I was after a new version).

It's not as "customisable" as Guitar Hero, but it just plays much better, and the song layouts work better too. My voice is killing me though... Bloody Duran Duran!

Only a couple more month's wait until Rock Band 3 too... So that's a must, with all my Rock Band 1 and 2 and Lego Rock Band tracks added into it!!! Will be epic, especially with all the new features.

Rock Band 3 will have step in and out game play. So anyone can join or leave at any point during a song. You can also pick your "avatar/user" as you step in, so you don't have to keep on retreating back to the main "band" menu.

On top of that, you can also adjust difficulty mid-song. Great for me doing mystery sets. I'll often hit a song or two I don't know so well, or can't quite get the key right for singing, and could do with it being a little more lenient. At the moment, a mystery set I have to set to easy - which is rubbish for the songs I can 100% on hard :(

Some good stuff on the RB3 track list too.
http://www.joystiq.com/2010/08/20/this- ... 3-setlist/

Harmonix fanboy and all that, but I love the way they try revitalise things, and are willing to have a break to do it, rather than just churning out the same old same old.
^I haven't read up much on Rock Band 3, but thank god you can change the difficulty in between songs, thats the only thing keeping me form doing the endless set list, there re only 2 songs I cannot beat on expert.
Lain said:
Yeah, but the next Guitar Hero game has Rush's '2112' in its entirety, so yeah.

Guitar Hero always rely on good song but crappy game play. So you can boast on 2112, but it'll never be as good as Rock Band.
Jer said:
Lain said:
Yeah, but the next Guitar Hero game has Rush's '2112' in its entirety, so yeah.

Guitar Hero always rely on good song but crappy game play. So you can boast on 2112, but it'll never be as good as Rock Band.

Other than the set lists and art style, whats the difference between RB and GH?
I'm still blowing my load on NCAA Football 2011.. which about 3 people here would enjoy. I'll buy a new game.. in 4 months.. lol
Lain said:
Yeah, but the next Guitar Hero game has Rush's '2112' in its entirety, so yeah.

It wins. And Kim, there really is no difference but IMO Guitar Hero is and always will be better.